Interesting and Humour - page 1908


View of Shanghai from the crane operator's cab

but also the lack of development
in the form of sitting around a fire, eating game to the tambourine of a shaman
I absolutely disagree. blind adherence to traditions is a complete dead end. and the fact that it "knows how to self-preserve and inherit" is a big problem for modern society, because in these times, the renewal of technology (production, learning, communication, etc.) has taken the forefront among the criteria for survival and economic well-being of states/organizations/communities.

Oops, here we go. misunderstood. spit it out.

Did I say that societies do not evolve? That tradition is a brake on evolution?

society - maybe even more complex than the workings of one individual's brain.

I'm saying that traditions bring people together, make them a single organism and help them stick together.

All societies have traditions that unite them. and this is the essence of their preservation as a whole.

Even you all have one tradition here - to open a forum every hour.

And there's still development.

Evolution is taking its course.


Oh, boy,

All traditions go to hell. Any action should be natural, not traditional. Going to the forum is not a tradition at all.

In Russia, there was a tradition of beating wives with reins, the right of the first night of the lord... and drinking according to tradition.

Fuck all tradition. This is self-deception.


All traditions go to hell. Any action should be natural, not traditional. Coming to the forum is not a tradition at all.

In Russia, there was a tradition of beating wives with reins, the right of the first night of the lord... and drinking according to tradition.

Fuck all tradition. This is self-deception.

Take off the hat, inspired by tradition. ))
Five per cent is enough for development. The rest have yet to catch up.

Sergeev is like a stone in the way of development of our progressive society.

He stands in the way, like a shaman with a tambourine, of any initiative, watering down the germs of lively thought with dead water

You... ...what plantations do you pick cigarettes from?
A dog is missing. On three legs. Special features: When he pees, he falls over :)

All traditions go to hell. Any action should be natural, not traditional. Coming to the forum is not a tradition at all.

In Russia, there was a tradition of beating wives with reins, the right of the first night of the lord... and drinking according to tradition.

Fuck all tradition. This is self-deception.

Practically completely agree.

All societies have traditions that unite them.

The essence of unification is joint benefit(s). Traditions are unprofitable, for they are irrational.

// Rational tradition is an illusion, almost by definition. For it is not tradition at all, but simply sensible (useful) behavior.