Interesting and Humour - page 1899


The forum programmers must finally solve the charade:

Is it a crime to incite hatred against criminals?

Or is it only criminal to incite hatred based on lies?

Is scrambled eggs incitement to hatred of the hatred of the avian race?
Are scrambled eggs a declaration of hatred against the haters of the avian race?
and are fried potatoes a declaration of war on vegetables?
and roasting potatoes is a declaration of war on vegetables?

No, interspecies is not forbidden.

it's like Hedgehogs aren't forbidden to incite hatred against Kitties.


No, interspecies is not forbidden.

it's just like Hedgehogs aren't forbidden to incite hatred against Kitties.

Why would they do that? Because now it's going to be "... and then Ostap gets carried away..." (с)

No, interspecies is not forbidden.

it's like Hedgehogs aren't banned from inciting hatred against SEALs.

Poor Cats, why do they have to be like that? They're so cute and good!

"When I come back from the post office
I'm quite sure that... was taken by Ulyanov...
"And still has not returned it."

The forum programmers must finally solve the charade:

Is it a crime to incite hatred against criminals?

Or is it only criminal to incite hatred based on lies?

It is

В Германии доверенное лицо Путина вступило в однополый брак
В Германии доверенное лицо Путина вступило в однополый брак
Доверенное лицо президента РФ Владимира Путина Евгений Миронов и актер Сергей Астахов вступили в официальный гомосексуальный брак на территории Германии, сообщает Питер ТВ. Кирилл Ганин — режиссер, художественный руководитель и директор Московского Концептуального Театра Кирилла Ганина, сообщил на своей странице в , что российские актеры...
Russian, French and Chinese linguists decided to write each other's names in their own language.

- My surname is Ge, said the Frenchman to the Chinese.
- The Chinese language has two characters, Ge, but unfortunately, neither of them is suitable for a surname.
- Why not?
- Because one means 'wheel' and the other conveys the sound of a donkey's bladder bursting.
- What's wrong with a wheel?
- A man's name can't be round, everyone will think you're a fag. For your name, we'll take the character She, meaning "keyboard", "root vegetable", "page" and the adjective "snowless" and add the character Ngu, meaning masculine. At the end, I write the character Mo - "virgin".
- But... that's not quite right, to put it mildly.
- No one will think you're a virgin, it's just that without Mo, She-Ngu hieroglyphs mean "shaving off your mother's mustache."
- Okay, now I'm going to write your name.
- My last name is Go.
- Great, I'll start your last name with the letter G.
- What does the letter G stand for?
- Well, the letters don't mean shit to us Europeans, but to show you some respect, I'll put an H in front of G. It's not readable in French anyway.
- That's great! Then an O?
- No, to show that G is pronounced like G and not like X, you have to put a U after G and an H to show that the U is not pronounced by itself, but just to show how to read G correctly, and an EY to show that the word is not long and will end soon.
- Hguhey... further O?
- No, the O in French is pronounced as A or Y, depending on the letters next to it, the accent and the time of year. Your pure O is written as AUGHT, but the word can't end in T, so I'll add the unreadable ending NGER. Voila!

The Russian linguist put the glass on the table, took a piece of paper and wrote 'Go' and 'Ge'.

- And that was it?
- Yes.

The Frenchman and the Chinese man scratched their heads.

- All right, what's your last name, brother?

- Shchekochikhin-Krestovozdvizhensky.

- Let's just drink, shall we? - The Chinaman was the first to come up with it.

The Russian nodded and the Frenchman, with relief, raised a toast to sizzling diphthongs.

(from) artemg


The first or the second?