Interesting and Humour - page 1893

This is bullshit, not a piano.
But it inflates.

I've never seen so many drunk people in one underground car. It's half past 7 p.m. in Kiev, and there are already 7 bodies in the back of the car (some of them were stinking, some were just barely hanging on with a blank, glassy look in their eyes). Everyone got off at the Teatralna and Khreshchatyk stations. During 5 years of my life in Kiev (dorms, Glade KPI) and total number of about 500 metro trips (holidays and non-festivals, concerts, Maidan,....) there has never been such a thing. Horror, thanks for the "Anti-Maidan" !!! in Russian)

Економіка Антимайдану. Інфографіка
Економіка Антимайдану. Інфографіка
За чий рахунок влада фінансує свої витрати? Хто є щедрим спонсором? Чи не витягуються ці гроші з державного бюджету? (Рос.)

13 necessary innovations

10 point - interesting idea!


I'm sick of this Maidan, I'd rather throw it in some unreadable thread...


I'm sick of this Maidan, I'd rather throw it in some unreadable thread...

so they've already made a separate thread... let's see what happens next.

I guess a lot of people just think that everyone is interested and having fun...


I've never seen so many drunk people in one underground car. It's half past 7 p.m. in Kiev, and there are already 7 bodies in the back of the car (some of them were stinking, some were just barely hanging on with a blank, glassy look in their eyes). Everyone got off at the Teatralna and Khreshchatyk stations. For 5 year of living in Kiev (dorms, the glade of the KPI) and total number of about 500 trips to the metro (holidays and non-festivals, concerts, Maidan,....) there has never been such a thing. Horror, thanks for the "Anti-Maidan" !!! in Russian)

Took the liberty of moving the post to the topic "Ukraine. Euromaidan" I hope you don't mind?

Let's write there already, eh?

The truth of life

If we put a rat in a maze with four tunnels, and we always put cheese in the fourth tunnel, the rat will learn after a while to look for cheese in the fourth tunnel. You want cheese? Zip-zip-zip into the fourth tunnel - there's the cheese. You want cheese again? Zip-zip-zip into tunnel four - there's the cheese. After a while, the great God in the white coat puts the cheese in another tunnel. The rat zips-zip-zip into the fourth tunnel. There is no cheese. The rat runs out. Into the fourth tunnel again. No cheese. Runs out. After a while, the rat stops running into the fourth tunnel and looks elsewhere.

The difference between a rat and a human is simple - a human will run into the fourth tunnel forever! Forever! Man believed in the fourth tunnel. Rats don't believe in anything, they're interested in cheese. And man begins to believe in the fourth tunnel and thinks it is right to run into the fourth tunnel, whether there is cheese or not. A man is more interested in being right than in cheese.

You are all, unfortunately, human beings, not rats, so you are all right. That's why you haven't had cheese for a long time and your life isn't working. You believe in too many fourth tunnels... You would rather be right than happy, and you have been running around in fourth tunnels for years to prove it.

But over the years, Russia has wiped out Ukrainian culture as best it could.

I have already said in the thread that I will ban you for inciting and shitting. You have been warned. You'll get a ban from here.

You've been warned too.