Interesting and Humour - page 1880


The slogan of the savages.

How do I know you're not going to use personalities, for fuck's sake. How do I address you? In the third person?

I was gonna answer that, but what's the point?)
" The Yanukovych regime's foreign policy is reminiscent of the situation where a moron has burned all the buttons in a lift and can't get out. "

But over the years, Russia has exterminated Ukrainian culture as best it could.

The attitude towards the Ukrainian people is poured through zombie TV screens, and liars and hypocrites are welcomed and promoted by the highest ranks of the state.

Ukraine already has enough of this kind of good, why else?

You guys are being PR'd there, you don't know where the truth is anymore. The truth is that whatever the result, you will be robbed by this government, politics is a dirty business. And people are the same as before, the Americans, Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. But this is a political war of influence of the West on Ukraine, this is a well-established scenario, whereas on the Russian side, this is just an attempt to maintain friendliness in the region, an attempt to defend our rights, we are one country and we are divided by the West. It is a fight for the gas pipe. Tymoshenko is sitting for the same thing. Now they have put our man on the throne, but the ordinary people will never get it and the Russian version will be better for you because you will never live like in Germany. You are being used, and you are being taken advantage of.

" The Yanukovych regime's foreign policy is reminiscent of the situation where a moron has burned all the buttons in a lift and can't get out. "
Yanukovych is a Russian puppet, another president will come and it will be the same, but at least Putin is your president). Yushchenko and Tymoshenko you'd think were better).

You guys are being advertised, you don't know where the truth is. The truth is that whatever the result, you will be robbed by the government, politics is a dirty business. And people are the same as before, the Americans, Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. But this is a political war of influence of the West on Ukraine, this is a well-established scenario, whereas on the Russian side, this is just an attempt to maintain friendliness in the region, an attempt to defend our rights, we are one country and we are divided by the West. It is a fight for the gas pipe. Tymoshenko is sitting for the same thing. Now they have put our man on the throne, but the ordinary people will never get it and the Russian version will be better for you, because you will never live like in Germany. You are being used, but you are being taken advantage of.

It's typical Soviets.

If someone sticks his neck out, if someone hesitates, he gets his ass kicked and sits still like everyone else in the swamp, it's his fate.


An interesting article on Habra:"How I bought a 3D printer".

Ukraine, let's join us in the Customs Union!

P.S. One of the hubraisers tweeted to Nikiforov:

tol64: Change the government to one that is incorruptible. There will be no one to blame. )

We do. In Ukraine, just like in Russia, there are some short-sighted people who equate the state and the people and, accordingly, create another hlohlosrach.

P.S. I'm done.

The poor cat got drunk, the varmints...