Interesting and Humour - page 1879


But over the years, Russia has exterminated Ukrainian culture as best it could.

The attitude towards the Ukrainian people is poured through zombie TV screens, and liars and hypocrites are welcomed and promoted by the highest ranks of the state.

Ukraine already has enough of this kind of good, why else?

Come on... What happened to your hair? Where is the bang? Is it Russia's fault?

Stop blaming another country for your failures (I'm not talking about personalities). You have to start with yourself first and not blame your neighbour.


Come on... What happened to your hair? Where's the bang? Is it Russia's fault?

Stop blaming another country for your failures (I'm not talking about personalities). You should start with yourself first, instead of blaming your neighbour.

That is exactly what you usually do (blaming).
That is exactly what you usually do (blaming).

Where? Where are my accusations? I told you the plain truth - to change your life, you have to start with yourself, not blame the other uncle.

What, what actions of yours are the Russians doing to stop you from living?

На злобу дня
На злобу дня
  • 2013.12.09
  • masterok
А что, не так ? :-) А вот кстати, украинский ПРОТИВ русского и история ЛЬВОВА
That is exactly what you usually do (blaming).

Don't get personal. Russia is not the problem, it is looking after its own interests, namely to prevent NATO bases from appearing on the territory of a neighbouring state.

You have another problem: Yanukovych's desire to stay in power by all means. Otherwise the family business will be ruined. Or even worse. He is afraid of lustration, poor guy. And there is an example of the neighboring country where the president made a clean-up operation in 2010. Nine candidates were jailed after the so-called elections. And Europe ate it up, ambassadors brought credentials. Winners are not judged. The danger is real now that this will happen. And who you are better off with, the West or the East, is another question, it is not topical now.

artmedia70: ... What, what actions are the Russians doing to make your life miserable?
Because they support our thieving government. And not Russians, but the Russian state machine, which is just as rotten and brotherly to our mighty rulers in this sense.

But over the years, Russia has exterminated Ukrainian culture as best it could.

The attitude towards the Ukrainian people is poured through zombie TV screens, and liars and hypocrites are welcomed and promoted by the highest ranks of the state.

Ukraine already has enough of this kind of good, why else?

I have a positive attitude to any nation, but my attitude is not unequivocal only to the power structures of any country. It is the authorities that are in charge of the main game. I think that just switching sides will not solve the problems and is far from a solution. For the EU, it is just business. To change something, you have to start from within the country. To do that you have to change the whole structure, not just the top, otherwise it will start all over again. And to do that, you have to do a lot of work. It is not enough to just go out and tear down a monument to change.
Because they support our thieving government. And not Russians, but the Russian state machine, just as rotten and in this sense brotherly to our mighty rulers.
Change the government to incorruptible one. There will be no one to blame. )

Don't get personal.

Winners are not judged.

The slogan of the savages.

How do you keep it personal, for fuck's sake. How do I address you? In the third person?