Interesting and Humour - page 1814


Misha, just give us links to news from or from if you so want to take part in the process of spreading information.

A very familiar scenario.

The equation with one unknown

The version that "Yanukovych-de is not to blame and he was framed by Russian special services" is becoming increasingly popular. And already many are saying that punishing the scapegoats of the commanders who gave the order will be enough and it will allow Yanukovych to save face and give him another chance to unite with Europe and blah-blah-blah.

When I hear this I am reminded of the Great Patriotic War, which in the rest of the world is called World War II and begins 2 years earlier. Soviet propaganda tried to tie the start of the war to June 22, 1941, because it could be interpreted as "we were sitting around without being hurt, but we were savagely attacked". In fact, it all started long before 41 and even before 39 - Stalin cooperated with Hitler long and fruitfully, shared Poland with Germany, was preparing to conquer the whole world, but at the last moment "something went wrong". In this version, Stalin is as much to blame for the unleashed carnage as Hitler.

So it is with Yanukovych. First he showed the people a sweetie in the form of the association with the EU, then he took the sweetie away and confused it with Putin, causing people's indignation. The result was a Maidan, albeit small and frivolous, but still. Then, fearing that the local Berkut would not want to beat their own, Berkut units from Crimea, Luhansk, etc. were moved to Kiev. - apparently just in case, yeah. And then "something went wrong", someone "unknown" gave the command and Berkut started beating peacefully standing people with ferocity.

So, according to our "41st" version, the blame belongs to this "John Doe" and Yanukovych is a "victim of a perfidious attack", just like you and me, and therefore gives us a lot of sympathy. And according to the '39 version' Yanukovych created a critical situation but lost control over it and should therefore be held accountable along with the mysterious John Doe. Or it can be done without him.

So, today-tomorrow and further on the Maidan different people will speak slogans. If they mostly demand from the authorities (i.e. from Yanukovych and his team) to sort things out and punish the guilty - then the Maidan is drained, let's disperse.

Because a Maidan that does not challenge the legitimacy of the authorities makes no sense.

bigdan (c)

A very familiar scenario.
What do you mean ?
what do you mean?
Bad luck for Hvedrych with the people... We're Maidanites, all over the yolk.

An equation with one unknown.

The version that "Yanukovych is not to blame and was set up by the Russian special services" is becoming more and more popular. And already many are saying that punishing the scapegoats of the commanders who gave the order will be enough and it will allow Yanukovych to save face and give him another chance to unite with Europe and blah-blah-blah.

When I hear this I am reminded of the Great Patriotic War, which in the rest of the world is called World War II and begins 2 years earlier. Soviet propaganda tried to tie the start of the war to June 22, 1941, because it could be interpreted as "we were sitting around without being hurt, but we were savagely attacked". In fact, everything started long before 41 and even before 39 - Stalin had long and fruitfully cooperated with Hitler, shared Poland with Germany, was preparing to conquer the whole world, but at the last moment "something went wrong". In this version, Stalin is as much to blame for the unleashed carnage as Hitler.

So it is with Yanukovych. First he showed the people a sweetie in the form of the association with the EU, then he took the sweetie away and confused it with Putin, causing the people's indignation. The result was a Maidan, albeit small and frivolous, but still. Then, fearing that the local Berkut would not want to beat their own, Berkut units from Crimea, Luhansk, etc. were moved to Kiev. - apparently just in case, yeah. And then "something went wrong", someone "unknown" gave the command and Berkut started beating peacefully standing people with ferocity.

So, according to our "41st" version, the blame lies with this "John Doe" and Yanukovych is a "victim of a perfidious attack", just like you and me, and therefore gives us a lot of sympathy. And according to the '39 version' Yanukovych created a critical situation but lost control over it and should therefore be held accountable along with the mysterious John Doe. Or it can be done without him.

So, today-tomorrow and further on the Maidan different people will speak slogans. If they mostly demand from the authorities (i.e. from Yanukovych and his team) to sort things out and punish the guilty - then the Maidan is drained, let's disperse.

Because a Maidan that does not challenge the legitimacy of the authorities makes no sense.

bigdan (c).

That scenario is already in the past. In fact, it's not a scenario at all. I wrote above "the last man standing is the father" so it's all Yanukovych's fault.

Today the opposition has already officially announced the "dismantling of Yanukovych's system of power" "the resignation of the president, the government, the Verkhovna Rada" and a complete reset of the government.

In Odessa the posters "Yanuk dosvidos", in Donetsk "it's time to remove the bandits from power". These are quotes from speeches in the squares of the country.

The smashed windows of the KMDA and the storming of the AP are not necessary in a practical sense, but they are a signal to everyone that the authorities have no control over anything.

Berkut first stood in front of the protesters, then went inside leaving conscripts on the street. That is a blatant demonstration that an officer's oath is valid only until the officer is discharged.

The opposition no longer doubts the change of power, and tomorrow there will be real action.

The question now is whether Putin will introduce troops into the eastern regions, as in Ossetia, under the pretext of protecting the Russian world? The opposition has no other rivals.

Сотни николаевцев вышли на Евромайдан в Николаеве
Сотни николаевцев вышли на Евромайдан в Николаеве
Сегодня, 1 декабря, сотни николаевцев вышли на главную площадь Николаева в поддержку Евромайдана.

Today's events (imho) have been prepared for a year.

Yanuk, together with the Party of Regions, was getting ready to leave, preparing tabs (in the Western sense of the word) in different countries.

The opposition was preparing to "sweep away with a fucking broom".

So now there is no confrontation, there is work in unison, some are leaving, others are speeding up their departure.