Interesting and Humour - page 1780


When you say IP, you mean "IP address", so it's correct to say "my IP".

Nah, he didn't check your IP, just his.

Maybe he means something else by IP, maybe he's from Hawaii :)


Nah, he didn't check your IP, just his.

Maybe he means something else by IP, maybe he's from Hawaii :)

Yeah, no, he didn't.

He's from Lesosibirsk now. Flying into Ust-Ilimsk. :)


When you say IP, you mean "IP address", so it is correct to say "my IP".

Maybe you think that the word underground is not declined? :)

If you're in the underground, you can say "I'm in the underground". And if everyone is so important... like ministers... and I'm not one of them, you could say "I'm on the subway". It won't be correct in Russian, but it will express the situation normally. It's the same with IP.

When I come to the city of Moscow, I start using the word metro against my will...


maybe you don't think the word underground is inflected? :)

Once in the underground, you can say "I'm in the underground". And if everyone is so important... like ministers... ...and I'm not one of them, you can say "I'm in the subway." It won't be correct in Russian, but it will express the situation normally. It's the same with IP.

What about IP?

IP is not a word, it's an acronym. Like USSR.

Well, if you like using the language of the country you live in, then do it, I won't interfere.

Where to invest a million plus roubles
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It's better to use bad language than to swear in swear words. If someone (or some social group of people) considers themselves superior to me for some personal reason, it is better to escalate the situation to, for example, a joke than to be offended. For example, when I come to Moscow from Kaliningrad, I am asked by officials in the capital "Kaliningrad? Is it next to Belarus, or Belarus?", I calmly reply that no, and that I will go 'by meter'. They understand it :) They laugh and say that they are now taking a meter to their dacha in the village of Zhukovka ...
They laugh and say they are now on a meter to the dacha in the village of Zhukovka ...

I always remember purely southern Ukrainian from my grandmother

kudo - kudo - kudo - kudo.

and it seems clear, but it's hard to explain to another unvaccinated person :)

It is better to use foul language than to swear.

I would say: "than talking in foul language".

Foul language, as part of a living language, is not just necessary but indispensable. There are situations where it is more appropriate to use foul language.


A long time ago, in the last century, I was associated with two schools, a business college and a police school. At first I taped after them like Zadornov, then I gave it up - there were so many pearls. The most interesting thing is that they say it so seriously, without humour.

Sometimes I remember something and put it into a post... like - "I wish your grandfather would dance in a bumblebee costume", "it pisses me off that...", "it's really cool...". I've already written a mini story about penguins in one paragraph in this thread - it's all made up of such gems.


About the swearing... Mate is aggression, and aggression is not a sign of great intelligence. I'm sorry.

For example (taken from here):

Rules of Russian speech at work

Holy shit!- I'm amazed!

These faggots.... are straight people.

What the fuck is the difference- the difference doesn't matter.

Fuck you... don't distract me, I'm busy!

Fuck off- sorry, you're too intrusive.

What the fuck?- I think there's been a mistake somewhere.

Fuck!- I'm so emotional.

Fucking... fuck... - your measure of responsibility leaves a lot to be desired.

Fucked up- we seem to have overlooked something.

Oh... did you...? - Your behavior doesn't meet my expectations.

This crap is a known object.

It needs to be fucked- I'll be forced to report it to my superiors.

B... ha-ha-ha... oh, my God!

... fucking wow!
«Ох...еть!» - «Я поражен!»
«Ох...еть!» - «Я поражен!»
Чтобы делать вкусное мороженое, барнаульские пищевики учатся говорить без мата [разговорник]