Interesting and Humour - page 1661


You don't seem to see the framework at all.
You don't seem to see the framework at all.

That's weird, that's what I thought of you.

I don't know why you had to bring the mood down to zero... A friend of mine has a Rottweiler. He's a great little brat, funny... Oh, man...

You have to learn to accept what is happening without trying it on yourself and your friends. Otherwise it's a road to depression.

You don't seem to see the framework at all.

This goes beyond the boundaries of "arguments" about cats and dogs at all. It's about people who can shoot an animal like that and who can enjoy it, even if it's in retaliation for the "offended" kitties.



This goes beyond the boundaries of "arguments" about cats and dogs at all. It's actually about people who can shoot an animal like that, and who may enjoy it, even if it's in retaliation for the 'offended' kitties.


What does "enjoy" have to do with it?

And what does "revenge" have to do with it?


You have to learn to accept what is happening without trying it on yourself and your friends. Otherwise it's a road to depression.

Do you accept Mishek's posts without trying it on yourself? Shooting a dog as a rebuttal to the cats that go berserk...

See the fucking difference? Making fun of animals and their behaviour (whether cats or dogs) and making fun of shooting those animals, even if 'on duty', are two big differences.


What does "enjoy" have to do with it?

And what does "retaliation" have to do with it?

Mishek posted a gif of two cats goofing off and captioned it "Well dumb...". You, in response to his post, posted a video of a dog being shot. How do you take that?

Do you take Mishek's posts without trying them on yourself? Shooting a dog as a rebuttal to the cats...

See fucking difference? Making fun of animals and their behaviour (whether cats or dogs) and making fun of the shooting of those animals, even if 'on duty', are two big differences.

I perceive that.

But not too long ago there was an entire altercation at Mishek with cat advocates. You were one of those who defended cats.

I told then, that it is necessary to stop in time, otherwise the joke becomes nonsense. But I guess Mishek didn't get it.

Yesterday I saw this video, so I decided to give Mishek the opportunity to feel in the skin of cat defenders. And the video, rather, is not about the dog, but about human stupidity (the negro himself provoked the situation of his detention for some reason).

Mishek posted a gif of two cats goofing off and captioned it, "Well, dumb..." You, in response to his post, posted a video of a dog getting shot. How do you take that?

He's already got a "well dumb" caption in every post about cats.


I perceive that.

But not too long ago, there was a big fight at Mishek's with cat advocates. Cat advocates included you. Yes, I love cats, I like them more than the bulk of dogs, but I love dogs too, good, big, smart dogs. My list of favourite dogs includes a Rottweiler.

I said back then that I had to stop in time, otherwise the joke becomes nonsense. But I guess Mishek didn't get it. You're the one who's being silly, not him.

Yesterday I saw this video, so I decided to give Mishek the opportunity to feel in the skin of cat defenders. And the video is, rather, not about a dog, but about human stupidity (black man provoked the situation of his arrest for some reason). But the most important and memorable part of the video was the shooting of the dog. These shots evoke pity for the animal, not anger at its stupid owner and the policeman who so easily shot the dog that was barking at him. What did you do to avenge Mishek and make him think? By making him feel sorry for the dog? He wasn't the only one who felt sorry for her.

I'm sorry, but you're wrong.