Interesting and Humour - page 1608


It's nice with a tail, but this one's a bit big.

You shouldn't complain so much about the tits.)
You wouldn't complain about the tits like that.)
Nah, big tits aren't usually pretty.

I don't like it, it's not a good thing.

Hi, do you respect cats?
Hi, I've got two dogs, an Amstaff and I don't know what breed the other one is, but she doesn't like cats. I'm neutral about them, but I don't keep them in the house. Neighbour's cat comes in sometimes, makes the dog nervous.
Hi, I've got two dogs, an Amstaff and my second dog, who can't stand cats. I'm neutral about them, but I don't keep them in the house. Sometimes the neighbour's cat runs in and makes the dog nervous.

Hello mate, I'm glad you're here.

You know, they all have cats and cats, even the moderators, they have huge cats with medical degrees.


Hello mate, I'm glad you're here.

You know, they've all got cats and cats, even the moderators, they've got huge cats with medical degrees.

I was gonna get a cat, but I've been catching all the mice myself and I don't know why I need one.

and I like fish. (Mih, why did you shave off your mustache?)

I love fish. they're peaceful. they don't attack their owners, they just eat each other and piss off. they eat and that's it, but the owners don't.

i kept all kinds, all kinds. i got into their ecology, the closed ecology, the balance there, the ashpi (or something like that). i fed fertiliser to achinodorus and anubis, which were sometimes several times more expensive than fish. everything was....

once i bought.... the seller said - buy 5 males and 5 females, they are fastidious, they seek pairs.

And it's not a guarantee that you'll get a pair out of those 10.

But I only bought one pair, a female and a male.

The fact is that they do not sleep with anyone - only with those with whom my heart lies. and I was lucky - they liked each other. it was evident at once - these fish love each other. they swam together, they swam together to the feed, the male chased away the other fish in order to his girlfriend female

could eat in peace.

When the female swam to nest (the male and the female swam to nest), they were trying to keep their nest alive.

When the female swam to eat (when I fed them throwing food in the aquarium, there were different species of fish, including those who can devour this sweet couple), the male remained near the nest, then they changed, and the male swam to eat - and the female would not let anyone near their sanctuary. really, they defended this place as.... eye.

the day came and the female laid her eggs on the stone. the male fish did all his male fishy business - he poured milk over the eggs.

the sweet couple became doubly diligent in guarding their fishy home. i must say - there were enough hunters for the light and caloric food around, many "neighbours" were just waiting to gobble up the dainty until the parents were around....


I don't know what happened in the little cichlosoma girl's brain.... but she swam away from the nest of eggs. she swam away on her maiden fish business....

a couple of neighbours didn't take a nap, quickly, while no one was around they devoured the entire clutch....

when a male cichlozoma swam in..... he even sort of changed his fish face.... he was staring blankly at where his babies were supposed to be....

after a while he started to move from side to side. i didn't know what was going on at first. but then i realized he was looking for a female...

when he found her.... he was hitting her. he was biting her. bits of fins and meat were flying all over the tank... even the neighbours, some of whom were twice their size, huddled in the corners...

i sat on my knees in front of the tank and watched.....

the male had just torn the female to shreds, into little pieces of meat. and he wouldn't let the fish eat that meat laying on the bottom for days on end...

What became of this male cichlozoma? The inquisitive reader of this entertaining fish story will ask. But nothing much happened to him... He hasn't made friends with anybody, although I tried to do my best - I gave him the youngest and most beautiful representatives of the weaker sex of his species...

Died after 2 years, proudly alone next to a molting crayfish (I kept crayfish too).

and I love fish....

I had to rearrange the lines to make sense of it.
was that the idea?

я люблю рыбок. мирные они.

The male just tore the female to shreds, into small pieces of meat. And for days on end he wouldn't let the fish eat the meat lying on the bottom...

It's a nightmare... I guess that last sentence wasn't about the fish...

sorry if anything. now the lines are in the order they should be. it's not fiction. not humour, but it's interesting and educational for humans.