Interesting and Humour - page 1570


94N03 C006SH3NN3 P0K4ZY8437,
K4KN3 U9N8N73LN 83SHN M0ZH37
93L47 N4SH R4ZUM! 8N3H47N3 83SHN!
CN4H4L4 E70 6YL0 7RU9N0, N0 C3H4 N4 E70 C7R0K3 84SH R4ZUM
HN7437 E70 4870M47NCH3SKN, N3 Z49UMY84S 06 E70M. G0R9NC.

Cats are being tormented...

That's right, that's the way to do it.

- Kitty, where are you?
- I'm in the kitchen, honey!
- Shut up, asshole! I'm looking for the cat!
Urain: Эволюция мозга

interesting !

That is probably why Forex is so popular - the brain encourages entry into a virtual reality in the belief that soon you will not have to work - in the absence of physical activity, energy is not wasted and is absorbed by the brain.


politician = maniac // also an interesting conclusion


interesting !

That is probably why Forex is so popular - the brain encourages entry into a virtual reality in the belief that soon you will not have to work - in the absence of physical activity, energy is not wasted and is absorbed by the brain.


politician = maniac // also an interesting conclusion

Forex takes you to the deferred dominance, because if you gather at least 500-1000 pips a day (the task seems quite solvable),

then the return on refinancing quickly takes you out into millionaires.

And most importantly, it's almost there, right around the corner, just turn in the right direction :)


I'm not a clairvoyant. I'm an asswipe.

Lipton tea leaves contain antioxidants - unique substances that, according to researchers, help inflate the price of tea by half.

Shawarma under the guise of food infiltrates the victim.

In a perfect world, there is no pain, suffering or .doc format.

The degree of emotional reaction is inversely proportional to knowledge of the facts - the less you know, the more violently you react.
Bertrand Russell

from the bash.


I'm not a clairvoyant. I'm an asswipe.

Lipton tea leaves contain antioxidants - unique substances that, according to researchers, help inflate the price of tea by half.

Shawarma under the guise of food infiltrates the victim.

In a perfect world, there is no pain, suffering or .doc format.

The degree of emotional reaction is inversely proportional to knowledge of the facts - the less you know, the more violently you react.
Bertrand Russell

from the bash.


1 October - Older People's Day