Interesting and Humour - page 1505


- Ask that question to academic Andrei Fursov. )

Well as far as I understand, the main enemy of the globalisers (adepts of world government). is nation-states and religions. That's what they are hitting.

Why hit them when it's easier and safer to bait them. People are hungry for religions and governments. Destroying them is even sillier than weakening them.

- Ask that question to academic Andrei Fursov. )

Well as far as I understand, the main enemy of the globalisers (adepts of world government). is nation-states and religions. That's what they are hitting.

He needs me badly with his questions. If this world government is magical, as Fursov says, then it is kind of unnecessary to give magic to the masses and even hint, at the right direction. If he believes that religion and the masses is not a real force, but just employment of mind from nothing to do, then the conversation is about nothing (in his studio).
Like all sects you have to first confirm you're an idiot, here you have to download 9GB of data.

))) reminds me.


But seriously, I'm sick of proving, telling, showing, explaining. What's the point? Anyone with a head on their shoulders can figure it out for themselves. And there are quite a few of them.

And the fact, that bitcoin is growing exactly in IT sphere, says, first of all, that most of people are not ready even to understand (not to accept yet) advantages of currency decentralization.

Keep your fiat money in the pyramid scheme proudly called a bank. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything.

Integer, TheXpert. I don't find Fursov a cutthroat who throws around brainless conspiracy theories. He's not demonising anyone, he's reasoning sensibly and logically.
Integer, TheXpert. I don't find Fursov a cutthroat who throws around brainless conspiracy theories. He's not demonising anyone, he's reasoning sensibly and logically.
I too found him sensible and interesting, but not everything is clear in the course of his thoughts.

But seriously, I'm sick of proving, telling, showing, explaining. What's the point? Anyone with a head on their shoulders can figure it out for themselves. And there are quite a few of them.

And the fact, that bitcoin is growing exactly in IT sphere, says, first of all, that most of people are not ready even to understand (not to accept yet) advantages of currency decentralization.

Keep your fiat money in the pyramid scheme proudly called a bank. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything.

I'm thinking high.
I'm drawn to the high
♪ but I can't make up my mind ♪
♪ 'cause short is okay, too ♪
sonyushka, 19.02.2010
Integer, TheXpert. I don't find Fursov a cutthroat who throws around brainless conspiracy theories. He's not demonising anyone, he's reasoning sensibly and logically.
peter misled larisa
Today he carefully misled Larisa.
for once not bad at all.
she confessed to the girls.
vera, 27.01.2010

But seriously

don't do that.)

why ?

Let's keep playing, you're for it, I'm against it.