Interesting and Humour - page 1444


To have such a base of Windows users and to fuck up mobile phones and tablets is a big mistake. And it's not fixable.

More like the opposite , google will go into desktop and share the market with apple . Eventually.

Honestly very doubtful. The desktop market is dying. Resource intensive programs and games will soon all be running in the cloud. There will only be a picture and sound effects receiver at home. For developers, it's ideal. You buy a subscription, you play. If you don't buy it, goodbye.
Honestly very doubtful. The desktop PC market is dying. Resource intensive programs and games will soon all run in the cloud. There will only be a picture and sound effects receiver at home. For developers, it's ideal. You buy a subscription, you play. If you don't buy it, goodbye.

It's not all going to the cloud. Desktops are not dying, I think, but are taking their true share. Desktops weren't needed in such numbers before, but there was no alternative and desktops were bought for sitting in the Internet, in the mail.

Desktop monitor will not go away, it is convenient as well as a mouse and a normal keyboard. Processors, yes, over time, they will fit completely into a mobile phone. We will probably end up with monitor, keyboard and mouse in the majority of cases, not counting heavy applications. In offices, at home, in hotels, cafes, etc..

All you need to do is plug it in to your smartphone . You always have it all with you.


To have such a base of Windows users and to fuck up mobile phones and tablets is a big mistake. And it's not fixable.

More like the opposite , google will go into desktop and share the market with apple . Eventually.

Desktop operating systems are a different segment. Microsoft and its Windows rules here. If there is one thing android is free. But Linux is free and where is the mass adoption? Meanwhile the soft softwares have made a clever move by offering a common software platform for user's software. Now there is no difference what gadget you use and your favourite applications are the same - this is strong.
Android with its freebies isn't much use to anyone either). The one plus is that being free doesn't save it.
Desktop operating systems are a completely different segment. Microsoft with its Windows is the undisputed ruler here. If there is one thing that takes android for granted it is its free-of-charge nature. But Linux is free of charge, where is the mass adoption? Meanwhile the soft softwares have made a clever move by offering a common software platform for user's software. Now there is no difference what gadget you use and your favourite applications are the same - this is strong.

So what if it's a different segment. Water's wet, so what? Things change. And not to Microsoft's advantage.

I don't get it at all -it doesn't make any difference what gadget you use, your favourite apps are the same - that's strong.

Android with its freebies is not really needed either).
What facts are you basing this on?
What facts are you basing this on?
iOS of the brain :)
Based on what facts are you stating?

It's ironic. Clearly Apple has the upper hand at the moment. If only because it is the most expensive company. Even Putin has an iPhone).

With an iPhone the elite). They write apps for iPhone first and then clone them for Android.

In the end people have made a clever move offering a single software platform for user's software. Now there is no difference what gadget you use and your favourite applications are the same.

That's what I'm saying, it's too late.

It should have been done before the first iPhone was released. Jobs was the first to do something that was already in the air. And when the first iPhone came out, you just had to catch up, but it wasn't too late.

It's too late now.

Google's chances in the market are excellent, Microsoft's are not. But the inertia of the desktop is huge, so they will die long, slow and painless.)


With an iPhone the elite).

That time is over.