Interesting and Humour - page 1431


PS. And I think the Jobs service should make a memo for users - so they know how to use EAs :)

There are not enough memos for everyone... Mostly freeloaders with orders appear there... Hence the rates there... I was surprised when one of my customers contacted me in the PM a couple of months later and asked me to build him an Expert Advisor he'd already ordered. The top progerger gave him a shit about it... for 30 quid... I briefly explained the price/quality ratio and gave him a price of 220 - I didn't want to do anything. He agreed at once... After a while, he asked for the next version. A little cheaper, but also worthwhile... You don't get many of those in this service... Pity.
There aren't enough memos for everyone... Mostly freeloaders with orders show up there... Hence the rates there... I was very surprised when one of my customers contacted me in the PM a couple of months later to ask me to build him an Expert Advisor he'd ordered and that top progerger gave him a shit about it... for 30 quid... I briefly explained the price/quality ratio and gave him a price of 220 - I didn't want to do anything. He agreed at once... After a while, he asked for the next version. A little cheaper, but also worthwhile... You don't get many of those in this service... It's a pity.
Maybe it's not even in the freeloaders, but in their spare cash, a novice user is always short of funds for development, novice users, experts call "owls" :)
Maybe it's not even about the freeloaders, but about their available funds, the novice user constantly lacks funds for development, novice users - the experts call "owls" :)

Right ... I always ask if I can make an owl: "Do you want it fried, baked or beaten? ... "

They get stumped by such simple linguistic turns...

Stuck a 4s pattern into a 5s pattern, the sheets turned out to be hilarious... :-)
- Guess what item of footwear with the letter P is in my pocket?
- (after a pause) I don't know.
- A patsy!
- ...
- Guess what item of footwear with the letter Y is in my other pocket?
- (after a pause) I don't know.
- One more sticky shoe!
Stuck a 4s pattern into a 5s pattern, the sheets turned out to be hilarious... :-)
Formats are different, I don't think anything will work.
Petrovich, do you know when Lent ends? Well, so we can eat meat in peace.
Don't you eat it?
I eat it, but it's a bit restless...

The more difficult the situation, the worse the mobile phone is charged.

Everything secret sooner or later becomes a drunken confession.

A packet of cigarettes for 50 rubles a day robs you of 18250 p. a year. For this money you could go to Prague for a week. I don't smoke. The question is: Why the fuck am I not in Prague yet?!

Daisy:I remember a fight on the embroidery forum, and 5 people were banned from the thread))

Daisy: There wasa fight about whether or not to mark the canvass.


xxx:Developers tend to turn all the bugs into features, and users tend to turn all the features into bugs .

xxx:And it's the helpdesk's job to take care of it(


pascendi:Today on Echo Vladimir Vishnevsky complained that today's youth don't understand the line: "in my youth I called you all the twos".

And right: the girl presenter of the Dithyramb programme didn't know what a 'two-spot' was ("Isn't that like a coin?").

I feel as old as mammoth shit :-)

(I wonder, whether people born in 1990 understand a line from a song "... that you can't wait for three men at the machine"?

I've heardthis version - "and you won't be able to wait out three people at the BANKOMAT".


yyy:I heard you're going to Egypt?


Yyy:Go to Iraq and Syria just to be sure.