Interesting and Humour - page 1395


A "personal" newsfeed is jolting


A "personal" newsfeed is jolting


A "personal" newsfeed is jolting

yep....there's not enough ammo)))
yes....there is no shortage of bullets)))
The most important thing is that the Company develops.... and what kind of PR it is - black or white - doesn't matter.

"To sum up.

Instead of the state as the institution that implements the course for the country's development, we have a giant and uncontrolled private structure, successfully extracting profits for its own benefit. Inside this "state", everything is fine: high wages, quality healthcare, and subsidized trips. The rest (and this is the vast majority of the population) are losers, whose place is at best in the service or at increasingly scarce troughs.

"Statesmen", hello! What are you defending? I, who have been repeatedly called a 'liberal' by you, believe that the first task of our society is to bring the state back to Russia." (Evgeny Gontmakher).

Who's our chief statesman there!? Bolkonsky sort of! ))))

Surkov will soon return to the Kremlin. The former deputy prime minister has responded by agreeing to the offer to engage in domestic innovation development.

A White House source said: "Surkov has been interested in these very topics lately - innovation, modernization and so on. It is precisely these areas that he will take up as assistant to the president. His previous post as deputy prime minister may have been higher, but the new post suited Vladislav Yurievich and the country's leadership".

As Izvestia has learned, the post of presidential aide for innovative development is not the only position that Surkov was considering. In addition to innovation, Vladislav Yurievich was offered the post of presidential envoy to the North Caucasus. The former deputy prime minister was also offered the job of developing the Far East. There was an offer to become a high-tech specialist and head the corporation that brought together Skolkovo and Rosnano. Ultimately, Vladislav Surkov chose the position of presidential adviser. It is somewhat lower than the previous one, but, according to sources, it is "ideal" in the current situation.

Yes, "good" people are never left behind). "Good" people are always needed.)


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