Interesting and Humour - page 1389


Why you should switch off electronic devices on a plane).

For those who don't speak English, you can include subtitles there.



An undocumented feature of Google Glass


A very interesting interview with Guriev is here.

[...] and we found out which art is most important for dictatorship. So, the most money was spent on bribing not senators or policemen. The most money went into buying television.

- It makes a little less sense now, because there is the internet.

- Right, so we need to censor the internet.

- This is very difficult to do. The moment is lost. That's it. It's no longer possible to shut down the internet.

- Why not?

- How? The Chinese scenario? It's already impossible.

- Why not?

- Because it is a very complicated project. It's more complicated than building a ski jump and stealing two thirds of it.

- We need to lock up a couple of bloggers. And then self-censorship would ensue. Or put one blogger in jail and beat up the other.

- You keep giving the regime good advice. It's good if he doesn't listen to them this time either.
"Pot, don't boil!" (с)
US authorities have found a defect in 30 million new $100 notes

The US government will destroy tens of millions of unused latest $100 notes due to a typographical error. US authorities will get rid of $3 billion worth of cash, The National Post reports.

The banknotes with the highest degree of protection against counterfeiting, which were supposed to be put into circulation back in 2011, were declared unfit for use. The banknotes are rejected because of the so-called fouling, which occurs when excessive amounts of ink are used. As a result the images on the banknotes become less clear. Not all banknotes have this defect. But the problem is, says the publication, that bad banknotes are mixed with quality specimens. Therefore, all 30 million 100-dollar banknotes printed using the new technology must be destroyed.