Interesting and Humour - page 1338


It's awesomely warm.

The courtyards of our childhood

In one of the forums, the title of the thread is"Strategy Tester in MT4, what is it for? . Then I read one post:I don't trust this tester. It seems that it was developed jointly with Teletrade.


No joke . These are no joke times we're living in, man ))


The police on the street in St. Petersburg stopped a man during a document check. His passport said that it had been issued in the Republic of Tuva.

The cops didn't know that it was a republic, so they said the passport was fake and detained him. The man doesn't speak Russian very well.

The court session was over 15 minutes ago.


The DA said that there is no such nationality in Russia. The guy was accused of using knowingly forged documents!

It's bullshit. It's the consequence of bought diplomas.

There is nothing on the man, it was just a simple document check on the street.


The head of Tuva stood up for a compatriot who was insulted by a court in St. Petersburg
Sholban Kara-ool has promised the 29-year-old Tuvan man legal aid, ITAR-TASS quoted the Tuva government as saying.

A girl's Facebook status:
"Zaftra ikzamin pa russkamu! I think I'll pass!".
P.S. Who would doubt it. Of course she will! )))))))
No joke . These are no joke times we're living in, man ))

Do cops know anything besides how to get a fine? Especially in St. Petersburg and Moscow. They are very selective and look for outright suckers who can't resist and respond properly.

My cousin and her friend (they live in Moscow) once decided to take a series of photos in the metro. The cops told them not to, but when I asked on what grounds they couldn't give an answer. Then my sister went to the Internet and got some information about it. She confirmed that there was no such order, printed it out and went back to take the pictures she had planned. )) People came up to her again but walked away after she had proved there was no such ban.

There have been a million cases like that.

The Russians have three
exotic species
of animals-- the cat's-eye,
blyaha fly and yadrena louse. ))))))))))
The Russians have three
exotic species
of animals-- the cat's-eye,
a bogeyman, and a yadrena louse. ))))))))))
Ten smiley faces to compensate for the stupidity of these endless anecdotes is clearly not enough. Try fifty.

The FSO will ban "check-ins" at Putin's residences.

The FSO is concerned about "chekings" at Vladimir Putin's residence in Novo-Ogarevo, the exact location of which is classified.

The Federal Security Service has decided to ban the use of mobile devices at the residences of Russian President Vladimir Putin. This was reported by the Izvestiya newspaper, citing a source in the agency. As the source explained to the newspaper, the guards were concerned about the situation at Novo-Ogarevo. Foursquare already has a map of Putin's residence near Moscow, and recently introduced the option to "check" "Residence of Vladimir Putin. In case of a "checkin", a mark appears on the map (it has already been used 177 times by 122 users), while guards try to keep the exact location of Putin's residence a secret. The FSO does not yet know how to deal with "checkins". A newspaper source explains that either gadgets will have to be taken away or access to certain websites will be blocked. Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov said the presidential administration has not yet formed a specific position on the issue. The Foursquare mobile application allows users to check their presence in any public place. After a check-in, a message about it can be sent to social networks. A large number of "checks" are rewarded with bonuses.