Interesting and Humour - page 1336

Red shirts are popular amongst programmers this season. ... ... to match your eyes)))))))
- You are accused of insulting a person. You compared a State Duma deputy to a prostitute! I'm sorry, which one is complaining?
The Pound and the Dollar are sitting on the exchange. The door swings open and the Euro enters - young, beautiful, slim, in a short skirt. Dollar rushes right in. The pound, holding the dollar down, says: "Ah, youth! Watch out for inflation!"
A hard day's trading is over and a tired, angry and disheveled trader meets the analyst in the lift. Trader-analyst (angrily): "Now you tell me, where do we go? Up or down?

The Urals archpriest is going to sue the manufacturer of table salt.
The point is that the manufacturer indicated on the packaging that the salt is 360 million years old, which offended the feelings of the archpriest Mikhail. The archpriest considered this fact to be blasphemy, as it contradicts the Bible.
"According to the Bible, the earth is just over 6,000 years old," commented Archpriest Michael, "the manufacturer is obliged to consider the feelings of religious consumers.

A call to the Human Resources department of the Stock Exchange:
- Are you looking for a new Trader?
- Yes!!! And the old one too......!!!
Playing with gender
Catherine Lulchak - about androgyny today

Kindergartens in Sweden are abolishing the division into boys and girls - now there are only "friends". Australian citizens are de-jure entitled to a third gender - three designations have been introduced in passports: M (male), F (female), X (for intersexuals). The idea that anyone can choose to be male, female or a third gender is tempting. In Japan such behavioural modulations have already ceased to be considered exotic and are ubiquitous. Russia is no exception: more and more feminine boys and "boy-girls" can be found on the streets. Ogonyok explored this strange new fashion