Interesting and Humour - page 1263


"But something seems to be going wrong..."

The culprit has been found!


The culprit has been found!

That's the bitch, that's the State Department's face. And how many of them are still in the country.
That's the bitch, that's the state department's face. And how many of them are still in the country.
He was undermining the foundations and digging up basements.
Performed a subversion of the foundations and undermining of the basements.
I've been blowing up the fucking staples. And the rocket, it's all about the crossbones.
Let's put it this way - undermining foundations, digging up basements, unbending staples and forging buttons.
Let it be written down as undermining the foundations, digging up basements, unscrewing crosses and digging out buttons.

Knops (

That's what I was afraid of. There's more than a handful of these buttons, patted down by patsy hands... I can't even count them.

My mother-in-law retired and worked for a year in an office that supplies batteries for these missiles. IN THE QUALITY CONTROL.

It's a fucking nightmare. It's weird that it still gets off the ground sometimes.

The only way out, in my unfair opinion, is to remove all private business from contracts and supplies.

Only 100 percent state ownership at all stages, except for stationery)). Reintroduce security and state control in practice and not on paper.

A regime audit. Tools, too, but not capital goods. Raise salaries several times over. Build your own vocational schools, technical colleges, and institutes.

There's no one to hire for a good salary now.

And then, years later...

If they do not find it profitable, they should not pretend that we have space and pour money into big fires.

Satellites can also be leased



...The tool too, just not a purchased one...

This is sabotage.
This is sabotage.

It is greed from top to bottom when fathers do not build their country for their children.

The Vikings used to forge their own spears and body armour for their grown-up children, without even trusting the blacksmiths. And the boats were chiseled by themselves.

A country where nobody gives a shit about tomorrow is doomed.