Interesting and Humour - page 1260


No more than 3 marriages!

State Duma deputies are to consider an initiative originating from Voronezh. Local activist Evgeny Mazepin wants to propose to the Committee on Family, Women and Children, headed by Elena Mizulina, to discuss the possibility of legislating in Russia a limit on the number of marriages for citizens.

I was not yet living in the late 50s ... I was born a few years later. But this I think is interesting to look at - source :

The union in the photo from the late 1950s - everything beyond is from there :


Famous series of photos of USSR at the end of 1950s by Ernest Wolfe

Paving asphalt on Gorky Street, view from the windows of the National Hotel:

The shoe department in GUM:

"A wedding, a wedding only once in a lifetime. Maybe two, maybe three, but no more for us!" (с)


And Putin is what a diplomat he is(here):

Сам Путин тем временем, выступая сегодня на пресс-конференции в Москве, заявил, что Сноуден и вовсе может остаться в России, если "прекратит наносить ущерб США". "Если он захочет куда-то уехать и кто-то его примет - пожалуйста. Если он захочет остаться здесь - есть одно условие: он должен прекратить свою работу, направленную на то, чтобы наносить ущерб нашим американским партнерам, как это ни странно прозвучит из моих уст", - подчеркнул глава государства.

Putin noted, however, that Snowden was unlikely to go along because he "feels he is a human rights activist and a fighter for human rights". At the same time, according to the president, Moscow does not intend to extradite the former agent. "Russia has never extradited anyone to any country and does not intend to do so. And no one has ever extradited anyone to us," concluded the head of state. At the same time, the president denied rumors that Snowden is a Russian agent.


Putin also commented on the accusations made by the US authorities against Edward Snowden. "Allies bugging each other is none of our business, let them do what they want. This is information from Mr Snowden, as I understand it. There is nothing in this information about attempts to wiretap Russian diplomatic missions. But I do not rule out that it is possible - we ourselves have had such evidence before, I would not want to go into it now," Russia Today quoted the president as saying.

On the one hand, Pu has nothing to lose - and may even score one point on the world stage. On the other hand, Snowden will not be of much use to Russia. It has been known for a long time (Poo knows this for sure).

By the way, interesting - Sherlock Holmes in The Hound of the Baskervilles has a fugitive convict Selden, who was hiding in the swamps (Mikhalkov wanted to catch him in the film), and here - Snowden ... there's something similar ... like in the movie ...

If anyone watches the Russian rbc channel, the female anchorwomen there call Edward Snowden "Edik" ... and they ask "When will they give asylum to Edik" :)

Husband is bathing the baby, shouting from the bath:
- Katya, he's eating the foam!
A few minutes later:
- Katya, it's really good!

And Putin is quite the diplomat(here):

On the one hand, Pu has nothing to lose - and may even record himself a plus one point on the world stage. On the other hand Snowden is of no particular use to Russia. It has been known for a long time (Poo knows this for sure).

If he really worked for the NSA and the CIA's information security department, he is a valuable asset to our intelligence agencies. He must know how the NSA and CIA structure works, who does what there. Only then does he become a mere traitor and not a freedom fighter, as if he had simply told them that the intelligence services were watching.

I just wonder why everyone is so surprised that the security services are watching and using unethical methods). And the fact that most of the world's population tells everything about themselves in social networks, it surprises no one).