Interesting and Humour - page 901


this video is about how you can do it, not about how it's convenient and how most people do it
That's what x86 tablets are for full fledged MT

So use it, who's stopping you?


the video is about how you can do it, not about how it's convenient and how most people do it.

similarly, if you like sitting in a chair in front of a big desktop PC monitor, be my guest, no one is taking it away from you

but "most" is a strong argument gg



so use it - who's stopping you?

Similarly, if you like sitting in a chair in front of a big desktop computer monitor, be my guest, no one is taking it away from you.

but "most people" is a strong argument.

not just the strong one, but the one in charge.

the whole business is geared towards distribution and finding the majority

do you know why this forum uses the colour of social networks (facebook, facebook), even the logo of the MQL5 community is in this colour?

because statistically it is the most popular, both among men and women

and about -

"so use it - who's stopping you?

Similarly, if you like sitting in a chair in front of a big desktop PC monitor, be my guest, nobody's taking it away from you" - I don't understand what's going on.

I don't know what you're talking about.



It's funny to see who's got the upper hand... There are two types of zealotry, and the options are the same: being like everyone else and not being like everyone else. On the other hand (in case of reasonable approach), to be like all and not to be like all is necessary in the measure of necessity according to circumstances. In some cases, it is useful to be like everyone else, because most people have experience. But in order to distinguish when and how to do something, one has to have a judgement.

It's a strange argument. It's about nothing.

No one is forcing or imposing anything, why the extremes?

It's just an extension of the capabilities of android itself.

Especially MT was designed to be used on the web.

And the share of android devices prevails unlike x86 tablets.


It's a strange argument. It's about nothing.

No one is forcing or imposing anything, why the extremes?

It's just an extension of the capabilities of android itself.

Especially MT was designed to be used on the web.

And the share of android devices prevails unlike x86 tablets.

Screw android, we need to argue.)

It's a strange argument. It's about nothing.

No one is forcing or imposing anything, why the extremes?

It's just an extension of the capabilities of android itself.

Especially MT was designed to be used on the web.

And the share of android devices prevails unlike x86 tablets.

mind you, Mihi has the flu (fever, fever, and a lack of understanding of others - as a consequence, it will get better and all will pass), the rest - everyone is talking about his own problems.

the news is good and interesting and whoever needs it will use it


Don't mind him, Mika has the flu (fever, fever, and lack of understanding of people around him, so he'll get better and everything will pass), the rest of us are all talking about our own problems, I guess.

Wrote a letter to the admins. You should get your avatar nailed. Under the anti-smoking law. They promised to look into it as soon as possible. I think they will.

But don't feel bad. I already got you another one.


Wrote a letter to the admins. You should get your avatar nailed. Under the anti-smoking law. They promised to look into it as soon as possible. I think they will.

But don't feel bad. I already got you another one.

You idiot, Kolyvanova, you should write to Sportlotto in such cases

ZS: Get well already