Interesting and Humour - page 843

I've got it open.

Shit, the jokes are jokes, but the file with the photo of Ben-laden won't open with photoshop:

Dima, I meant Bernarke...
Dima, I meant Bernarke...

I got it open.
And I opened it on the 3rd time. Although Photoshop is old, but licensed.


And I opened it on the 3rd time. Although Photoshop is old but licensed.

That's the funny thing about Adobe programs, they can work on the Nth try. I once copied text with a mouse from a pdf file, I don't know what and why, I pressed "copy", in response a window with an error message, and the buffer was full of red text, but after about the 15th attempt it worked, it copied normally.

It's a joke.

Try this one:

)) Doesn't work either. This is the message:


This is even though it's the kolata version(CS6). Not finished. )))


)) It's not coming out either. This is the message:


This is even though it's the kolata version(CS6). Not finished. )))

Ahem) If you take a screenshot from the screen, paste, crop to the size of the note?
Ahem) If you take a screenshot from the screen, paste, image by the size of the note?

))) Even in this form it doesn't:


It responds to some characters. Even tried to paint over some parts in Paint. And only after I closed everything (full fill), then CS6 allowed to open. )))

You need to find out how it determines that it is a banknote. Try reversing it in a mirror image or turning it upside down.
Ahem) If you take a screenshot from the screen, paste, crop to the size of the note?
Need to find out how it determines it's a note. Try reversing it or turning it upside down.

Anyway, tried different options. If you flip it over, it doesn't work. If you paint over the areas, these options don't work either:


))) And this one's a winner:


It turns out that this is the part shepherded by the hair: