Interesting and Humour - page 841



A couple of minutes came up and this is the kind of thing I did. ))


Below is the source file to see how it was made. You need Photoshop CS6. Although it may open in earlier versions as well.


A couple of minutes came up and this is the kind of thing I did. ))


Below is the source file to see how it was made. You need Photoshop CS6. Although it may open in earlier versions as well.

Gee, it's beautiful. I can feel myself starting to burst. I think I'm going to burst.)

It's freezing out here.


Wow, that's beautiful. I can feel myself starting to burst. I think I'm gonna burst.)

It's freezing in here.

It's instead:))

It's all right (it's freezing), summer's coming.

Gentlemen of Fortune

And it's dinner in prison now... they're giving macaroni...


Love and doves
Sorry, citizens, for interrupting your money hiding!


Your janitor is an idiot!

Office romance

Don't you worry so much - the dress is already ruined anyway.


from the cartoon "Vasilisa Mikulishna", 1975.
Where did you ever see a girl passed off as a woman


from the cartoon "The Magic Ring"1979
We don't want your daughters for nothing and we don't want them with money.


from the cartoon "Dobrynia Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych", 2006.
I'm thinking of getting married.
That's right. A man without a wife is like a tree without a caterpillar.


from the cartoon "Doctor Aibolit"1984
I'm bloodthirsty, I'm merciless, I'm an evil outlaw Barmaley. And I don't want any chocolate or marmalade, just little children.


Wow, that's beautiful. I can feel myself starting to burst. I think I'm gonna burst.)

It's freezing out here.

It's +10 and raining non-stop for three days... I'm sick of it.

Nothing (it's freezing), summer will be here soon.

is it soon?

I'd like it sooner.