Interesting and Humour - page 720


No. It's simple, but not like that. Or it's complicated, but not at all like that. (Whichever is more to your liking. )))

It is not about how one likes or dislikes it. I am talking about evolution. About the change of forms and consciousness over many millions of years. And it happens without our individual desires, but in general. By some program that is embedded in absolutely everything.

Ah, then I see. I don't plan that much. Anything can happen in the meantime. Right up to the fact that the products of nature will create nature itself, and that nature will have nothing to do.

We'll see.



Ah, I see. I don't plan that far in advance. Anything can happen in that time. Up to the point that the products of nature will create nature themselves, and that nature will be out of the picture.

Let's wait and see.

The body is temporary, but consciousness is eternal. It just concentrates in different points of infinite space and is distributed in countless instruments designed for it (any being capable of feeling itself). The body dies and consciousness flows into another instrument at any other point in infinity (or the nearest point) and so forever. I suppose that the thought "I don't plan that much" is wrong, because as soon as the body dies, the sense of self will reproduce itself in a new point (in a new instrument) in the same instant. So the position that I will do this or that in life and everything burns after me is also wrong, because each of us makes the ground for the next time we live. It is like digging a hole for oneself if the goals in life are dirty and harmful. By improving and developing we prepare the ground for ourselves (new ones). This is how I see it. I see it very clearly. Perhaps it is not so and nature gave me these thoughts (programmed) because there was some failure (a virus) that did not allow the tool (me) to function properly. )))

It is not nature's products that create nature, but nature serves itself with its products (tools). Therefore, nature cannot be "not involved" as everything that surrounds us (including us) is nature. An infinite and eternal absolute. )))

But "let's live and see" is right on point. We will see for sure and it does not matter how many millions of years later it will happen. )))



It didn't take long for the city madman to show up


Onishchenko responds to the Magnitsky List with an "anthrax list" of his own





1. Kill your neighbour with a whip without attracting the attention of astronomers.
2. Given that the neighbour is the chief sanitarian of planet Earth and also the owner of the universe, sneak around his flat.
3. Find the power of attorney to own the universe.
4. Find the remote control of the universe.
5. Rewrite the power of attorney in his name.
6. Assign the control of the universe to yourself.

Done! You're amazing! You have begun to control the universe without attracting the attention of the orderlies.


))) >> how to run the universe without attracting the attention of the orderlies >>