Interesting and Humour - page 599


What do you think the comrade in the photo does? (residents of Ukraine, please refrain from answering correctly :))


What do you think the comrade in the photo does? (residents of Ukraine, please refrain from answering correctly :))

A former gangster, now in power. That's the way it is over there. Looking from here)) // did not google.
Mischek: A former gangster, now in power. You're all like that over there. Looking from here)) // I didn't google it.

Are you suggesting that Ukraine is in the nineties?

P.S. I recently talked to a nice guy from Turkmenistan. He thinks that their country is 150-200 years behind Russia.

Former gangster, now in power. You're all like that over there. Looking from here)) // didn't google it
It makes sense that ordinary thugs are not interviewed by the Komsomolskaya Pravda (I guess :)). Yes, in power is our comrade. It remains to be seen at which level and in which branch of government :)

Are you implying that Ukraine is now in the nineties?

P.S. I recently talked to a nice man from Turkmenistan. He thinks that their country is about 150-200 years behind Russia.

No, our 90s were not much different from yours.

Now they are just returning to the methods of the 90s (gradually, day by day).

Well, Ukraine is ahead of Thailand and (forgive me Manov) Bulgaria in its development (they show "Brigada" with Bulgarian translation on TV), but it is exactly 10-15 years behind Turkey (I was in these countries last year, so I can compare what I saw). Nevertheless the country is getting worse (I learn English and I'm going somewhere far away from this madhouse).

It makes sense that ordinary gangsters are not interviewed by the Komsomolskaya Pravda (I guess :)). Yes, in power is our comrade. It remains to be seen at what level and in which branch of government :)

Well, judging by the question, it means something delicate - children, education, culture?



not much info, boilers are kind of showy, ring is modest and wears

More of an aside-- family and kids.

// but his wife at school was a quiet honor student with a parent in either government or science


He may also have gastritis (50%) and a speech impediment.

Come on, what do you got? ))