Interesting and Humour - page 559

Everyone and laughed:)
I wonder how many 5 cent coins are in circulation in general, and how long it takes to get over 20 billion coins? Those wishing to do so can estimate the mass and volume (30 fours?).
" Write in a forum about how you need to build a good computer WITHOUT hard drives and you'll see 10 pages of WD vs Seagate squabbling. "
I wonder how many 5 cent coins are in circulation in general, and how long does it take to get over 20 billion coins? Those wishing to do so can estimate the mass and volume (30 vans?).
That's to our mega-brains with their jet-powered cart. They will solve any problem. The more ridiculous the context, the more interesting they will be.

Pictures from the exhibition.

And the Niva, that's stability.


34 interesting facts:

1. Genghis Khan died during sex
2. Albert Einstein had trouble remembering his phone number
3. Hitler's mother seriously considered having an abortion but the doctor persuaded her not to
4. The lion from the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer logo killed his trainer the day after the shooting
5. There are three golf balls on the moon
6. Dirty snow melts faster than clean snow
7. An office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet
8. 1111111 х 1111111 = 1234567654321
9. Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa's lips for 12 years
10. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open
11. A 4-year-old child asks about 400 questions a day
12. "OK" is the most popular word in the world
13. If a lobster loses an eye, it will grow a new one
14. In Alabama, it is forbidden to wear a moustache, which may cause laughter in church
15. It takes 40 muscles to smile and 4 to pull the trigger
16. Guinness sells 7,000,000 glasses of beer a day
17. More often than not, the wives of millionaires are teachers
18. According to the Book of Genesis 1:20-22, the chicken came before the egg
19. A child who is just entering the 1st grade already recognises about 200 different company logos
20. Amusement parks have seen an increase in attendance after fatal incidents
21. In the winter of 1932, it was so cold that Niagara Falls froze over completely.
22. Arachis is one of the ingredients of dynamite
23. A slug has four noses.
24. The main cause of death in the workplace is homicide
25. A third of public school teachers send their children to private schools
26. People spend two weeks of their lives waiting for a green light
27. George Bush and Hugh Hefner (PlayBoy) are cousins.
28. Jesus was a Capricorn (if he ever was)
29. The ancient Mayans believed in the end of the world on 12/21/2012, and they also believed in a corn god named Ah Moon
30. The electric chair was invented by a dentist
31. The scientific name for the gorilla is Gorilla Gorilla
32. Washington and Jefferson grew cannabis on their plantations
33. Winston Churchill was born in a disco in a women's bathroom
34. 97% of US banknotes contain traces of cocaine


33. Winston Churchill was born in a disco in a women's bathroom

Yeah, to the music of Lady Gaga in 1874


Aha to the music of lady gaga in 1874
Obvious mistake, or a deliberate duck. I wanted to cut it out, but didn't get around to it - I was in a hurry to post it)