Interesting and Humour - page 387

I know who's going to win, but I'm not going to tell you.

I don't believe it, on a wet pitch it's all random. Starting with the fact that all players on both teams are the same colour :) the colour of mud

To the fact that the ball doesn't go where it's supposed to go.

In general, the fun is guaranteed. The match should be written and on YouTube.


I don't believe it, it's full random on the wet.

no random.

Then let's bet on something else.

I'll bet there's a gap on Monday on the eu at the open.


no random.

Then let's bet on something else.

I bet there's a gap on Monday at the open on the Jew

You have me confused with someone else, remind me when I bet on something.

no random.

Then let's bet on something else.

I bet there's a gap on Monday on the Euro at the opening

I'd rather bet on where the gap will go... Better yet, don't bet... This week is supposed to be crazy...
You have me confused with someone else, remind me of an occasion when I argued something.
Suit yourself.)

Ukraine vs France Donbass Arena, it's going to be a lot of fun

The process is under way.

I bet there will be a gap on Monday on the eu at the opening

Let's bet where :)
Let's bet where :)
Now or a couple of hours before the opening ?
Now or a couple of hours before the opening?
Now. A couple of hours before the opening isn't interesting, everything will be known by then.
Right now. A couple of hours before the opening is not interesting, everything will be known by then.

Shit, there's a 50-50 chance


DOWN - the eu goes down in value against the quid.