Interesting and Humour - page 369


"catch him and his dad and let him go to all the matches with our national team for free!" (c) comment on

yes intriguing

To the moderators : I propose that this activist of succinct trolling be banned, so that he may reflect at his leisure ...

I propose an open vote.

I am in favour.


I propose an open vote.

I am in favour.

I suggest we leave it as it is, as a final warning.

PS And let the moderators get their ratings up for shabby posts... Took a long time to react.

FAQ : "I'm the smartest guy in the world."

Tell me, are you really so sure of your impunity?

You think I won't find a reason to ban you?

Even if it doesn't exist now, I'll make sure it does.

do you need it?



let the ratings go up for shabby posts... Have been responding for a long time.

Seconded :-)
Silent PS and let the moderators get a rating boost for shabby posts... took a long time to respond.
I don't get it. Explain the "shabby posts" thing in more detail.