Interesting and Humour - page 316


indeed, for the Humour section

No, me! (with a little bit of pride in his voice).

Integer's answer is correct.

ZS. But you have to agree, colleagues, it looks a bit creepy. Well, what can you do - OCL is obligatory.

Well, and ?
Open letter of thanks to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin!

First of all, I offer my sincere apologies for not being able to congratulate you on your new post directly on the day of your inauguration. Nevertheless, better late than never - my congratulations! Secondly, I would like to heartily thank you for everything you and your government have done during the years in power.

I cannot understand those people who complain about the faults of the "Putin regime," i.e. your regime. You have become almost family to me - all my conscious life I have seen your noble and brave face on the screen. I am glad you will not deprive us of that pleasure for another 12 years or even longer!

First of all, thank you for my career success: according to my diploma I should have been an ordinary foreign language teacher in a secondary school, but it was during your reign that I realized how unprofitable and non-prestigious that profession was, and only thanks to you I have been working in the IT sphere for many years. By the way most of my fellow teachers have found themselves in sales, repairing and automobile business, logistics and tourism which I am sure are as grateful to you as I am. Our teachers' colleges train the best office staff, that's a fact!

Thank you also for your exceptional ability to energise people: when I realised that all the savings in my savings account, to which my parents had transferred money since I was born, had depreciated, I realised how well you had calculated everything economically! That was a great educating trick on your part, so that people would understand that stability bogs down and stultifies them. And to start from scratch every 10 years - that's the best way to self-improvement and stimulus for action!

Thank you for a peaceful old age for my parents, my father, who has a PhD in philosophy, and my mother, a pianist. It is only believed that Russian pensioners do not have the opportunity to travel, yes they do! The free ticket allows my mother to travel for a month from Moscow to Moscow and back (due to traffic jams from some unknown officials) absolutely free of charge! And even if I would like to go abroad, my average monthly Russian pension is just enough to cover the cost of a low-cost ticket to Berlin, and after the next fare hike I will even have enough money for an airport lunch in the city of arrival.

With special gratitude I would like to acknowledge your reforms in medicine - the population has almost stopped falling ill! Most Russians do not fall ill at all, they live happily and die on the same day. Just like in a fairy tale.

I have no reason to complain - at the age of 30 I live in a 150-metre flat with a beautiful view in a house with two swimming pools and an underground car park. Thank you that my future children will live in a country with excellent ecology, drink clean water and eat organic food. Thank you also for the smiling people around me every day, for the tactfulness and decency of the police officers, for the well-organised traffic. In a word, thank you for everything that we have in this life! We could not go anywhere without you. Yes, yes, without you we would never have made it!

We are several hundred thousand people who proudly call their fifth wave of emigration from Russia "Putin's" in your honour.

Natalia Lepleyskaya

May 8, 2012, Montreal, Canada.
Really, for the Humour section.

this code even compiles and produces the correct result :)


No, me! (with a little bit of pride in his voice).

Integer's answer is correct.

ZS. But you have to agree, colleagues, it looks a bit creepy. Well, what can you do - OCL is obligatory.

Ahem, ahem, ahem, ahem, ahem, ahem, ahem, ahem, ahem, ahem, ahem, ahem.

Looks like Putin has really pissed everyone off.


No, me! (with a little bit of pride in his voice).

Integer's answer is correct.

ZS. But you have to agree, colleagues, it looks a bit creepy. Well, what can you do - OCL is obligatory.

Open letter of thanks to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

notused: this code even compiles and gives the right result :)

Let's see how you want to fix it in a year's time...

Nah, I don't understand such exploits.


Looks like Putin has really pissed everyone off.

Ours is a bit more humble :)

In Ukraine they just don't know that Napoleon has been defeated :)