Interesting and Humour - page 290


Money is not the main thing. The main thing is the associations, the images that are evoked by looking at a picture. It is for the associations and images that people pay money. A painting is only a means to an end - the pleasure of contemplation.

And what kind of images and associations are conjured up by every particular connoisseur of art depends on... Many external and internal factors influence perception - from alcohol intoxication and mushrooms to physical damages to the brain.


You cannot judge a picture by an illustration in a magazine or an image on a TV/monitor.
You can't judge a painting by an illustration in a magazine or a picture on a TV/monitor.
Please tell me how to judge a painting correctly
Please tell me how to judge a painting correctly
I was about to ask the same question. I've been zooming in and out this morning. And I changed the colours and contrasts. Then I closed everything and even forgot about the painting until Mishka brought it back to life.

So I'm thinking . What did they buy. What for? I don't get it.

It was a process of laundering and moving criminal money.

You get 120 million, pay income tax (if any) and that's it. After that, all the money goes into legal circulation.


joo: Money is not the main thing. The main thing is the associations, the images which are evoked by the contemplation of the painting. That is what people pay money for, associations and images. A picture is only a means to an end - the pleasure of contemplation.

I wonder what associations and images arise in the mind from, say, a black square? Here's an article on Wiki, here's a quote from it:

There are currently four "Black Squares" in Russia: in Moscow and St Petersburg there are two "Squares" each: two in the Tretyakov Gallery, one in the Russian Museum and one in the Hermitage. One of the works belongs to the Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin, who acquired it from Inkombank in 2002 for 1 million US dollars (about 28 million roubles) and gave the painting by the founder of Suprematism for permanent storage to the Hermitage[19].


I wonder what associations and images come to mind from, say, a black square? Here's an article on Wiki, here's a quote from it:

For some reason, "The Adventures of Prince Florizel" and "The Caged Man" come immediately to mind :)
I was about to ask you the same question. I had it up to full screen this morning. And I changed the colour and the contrasts. Then I closed everything and even forgot about the painting until Mishka brought it back to life.

It's all bullshit. You have to see the picture itself, then you can discuss something.

No, I'm not saying that the price of the painting is justified. But google the same Andriyaka and look in the original (fortunately, there should be plenty of it in Moscow and St. Petersburg)