Interesting and Humour - page 289


For sale. The starting price is 1 quid, who'll bid more? Don't pass by, get in on the haggling


For sale. The starting price is 1 quid, who'll bid more? Don't pass by, get in on the haggling

Fake, the people in the background do not even stand like that, the one closest to him should be standing back, doodled by memory imho :)))
Fake, the people in the background are not even standing like that, the one closest to them should be standing with his back to them, they must have drawn it from memory :)))
just say so - i forgot the money in the nightstand today

For sale. The starting price is 1 quid, who'll bid more? Don't pass by, get in on the haggling

♪ already bought for 120, the bidding's closed ♪
They already bought it for 120.

So I'm thinking . What did they buy. What for? I don't get it.

My kid's better at drawing. And Malevich's black square? That's bullshit. And why the black one in particular? I think there were several of them. There was definitely a red one.

That's what I'm thinking. What did they buy? What for? I don't get it.

They'll hang it on the wall and admire it when they have no money to spend and you can't buy anything like that...

Top 10 excuses Women and Men

10) I treat you like a brother (you're the last person I'd consider).
9) We have some age difference (you're a crotchety wreck).
8) I'm not attracted to you in "that" sense (you're the ugliest scumbag I've ever seen).
7) I need to sort myself out (I've got a lot of hoes without such a moron).
6) I already have a boyfriend (if you can call my cat that).
5) I don't have affairs with my work colleagues (I wouldn't want to hang out with you even if we worked in different cities, let alone the same building).
4) It's not about you, it's about me (it's not about me, it's about you).
3) I want to concentrate on my career (even a boring job like y is better than dating you).
2) I've taken a vow of celibacy (certainly in relation to jerks like this).
ABOVE #1: Let's stay friends (I'd love to chat with you and tell you about all the men I date and have sex with).

10) I treat you like a sister (you're ugly).
9) We have some age difference (you're ugly).
8) I'm not attracted to you in "that" sense (you're ugly).
7) I need to sort myself out (you're ugly).
6) I already have a girlfriend (you're ugly).
5) I don't have affairs with my work colleagues (you're ugly).
4) It's not about you, it's about me (you're ugly).
3) I want to concentrate on my career (you're ugly).
2) I took a vow of celibacy (you're ugly).
ABOVE #1: Let's stay friends (you're creepy ugly).


So I'm thinking . What did they buy. What for? I don't get it.

Sometimes life makes you want to scream - and there's no one to do it with - so they bought it.

I mean, what's the use of that painting?

All right, you can cover up a hole in the wallpaper, but not for $119,922,500.

An investment? Great. Shishkin, Aivazovsky is an investment. But doodles and squares, what an investment. If the fashions pass, it'll be an ass, not an investment.


The work was originally titled Scream of Nature. Munch himself in 1892 described the feeling at that moment as follows:

"I was walking along a path with two friends - the sun was setting - suddenly the sky turned blood-red, I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned against a fence - I looked at the blood and flames over the bluish-black fjord and town - my friends went on, and I stood trembling with excitement, feeling the endless scream piercing nature."

ps It is known that in late 1883 the sky over Europe turned red at sunset due to the effects of ash from the eruption of Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia.