Interesting and Humour - page 166


By the way, do you know what the fish in the flask is?

Bears, there he yaz :)))


Interesting thing - the intercom! Today I let three "horses in coats", "Grandpa Pichto" and "Agniya Barto" into the entrance hall.


Tip: Put a regular ringing tone on your answering machine and you'll know what people think of you when you don't answer the phone for a long time.


The upshot is that one man is no match for the other.

And another conclusion:

If you have an opportunity, eat that opportunity before you are interrupted.


The upshot is that one man is no match for the other.

and another conclusion:

If you can, eat the opportunity before you're interrupted.

Who?!? A bear? I'll get you for the bear...


Truly, fight to the last man.


Mathematics versus physics.

Three mathematicians and three physicists are about to take the train to another city for a conference. They meet in front of the ticket office at the train station. The physicists are first in line, and like all normal people they buy a ticket per person. The mathematicians, on the other hand, buy one ticket for everyone. "How come?" - The physicists are surprised - "There's a controller on the train, they'll kick you out without a ticket!" "Don't worry" - the mathematicians reply - "We have the METHOD".
Before the train departs, the physicists are seated in the carriages, but try to make sure they apply the mysterious "method". The mathematicians, on the other hand, all pile into one toilet. When the controller goes to the toilet and knocks, the door is opened and a hand with a ticket sticks out. The controller takes the ticket and they all go to their destination without any problems.
After the conference the same people meet again at the train station. The physicists, encouraged by the example of the mathematicians, buy one ticket. Mathematicians take none. - So what do you show the controller? - We have a METHOD.
On the train, physicists pile into one toilet and mathematicians into another. Shortly before departure, one of the mathematicians approaches the toilet where the physicists are hiding. Knocks. A hand with a ticket sticks out. The mathematician takes the ticket and returns to his colleagues.
MORAL: You can't use mathematical methods without understanding them!