Rules under Work


5. Transferring jobs
5. 1. The work is handed over by laying out the solution in the form of files. The number of files is not limited. *.dll files can only be uploaded in archived form.
5.2 The files shall be posted directly in the Order as an attachment in the comments.

As for the files. Which files do you want to transfer? EX5 or EX5 files? It's important to spell it out in the terms and conditions, isn't it? (in the rules, I mean).


5. Transferring jobs
5. 1. The transfer of work is done by laying out the solution in the form of files. The number of files is not limited. *.dll files can only be uploaded in archived form.
5.2 The files shall be posted directly in the Order as an attachment in the comments.

As for the files. Which files do you want to transfer? EX5 or EX5 files? This is important, spell it out in the terms and conditions.

In idea, the sources, only if the programmer did not specify when agreeing terms of reference, that he will not transfer the sources and if the customer agrees :)
No, well, it's just that I don't understand if (for example) I wrote code of ten inludes on blocks of 500 lines, and all of them are used in a certain (sold) solution. I give the customer an advisor (ex5), and he will demand the source code too. It's possible, isn't it...
In theory, the source code only if the programmer does not specify when agreeing to the terms of reference that he will not hand over the source code and if the customer agrees :)
Exactly. You say 'In theory'. This is what I am saying too. I personally am thinking about writing on demand, but if there will be disagreements on this point, I do not see the point. I don't want to give out my own sources.
No, well, it's just that I don't understand if (for example) I wrote code of ten inludes on blocks of 500 lines, and all of them are used in a certain (sold) solution. I give the customer an advisor (ex5), and he will demand the source code too. It is possible, after all...
You need to stipulate in the agreement of terms of reference, and that's all, be sure to stipulate all in the job, so that when you go to arbitration, there will be all the proof :)
This will be like a contract and if you do the job in accordance with the TOR, and the customer will demand the source code, you can get your honestly earned money through arbitration. :)
Although, just in case, let's wait for MQ's answer :)
I agree, it can be stipulated in the terms of reference. but when receiving an application, the customer does not mention what kind of product they want (for example, and often). This may lead to disagreements, which in turn may lead to delays, revisions and... new differences, no matter how you look at it. And the product is ready. the writer's time is spent, which is important.

... отдаю заказчику советника(ex5), а он будет требовать и исходники. Такое ведь возможно...

Such requirements of the Contracting Authority are not justified, if the Bidder clearly defines the particulars of the execution of the work in his offer of work (Clauses 1.5-1.6 of the Regulations) and then stipulates these details in the Terms of Reference on the basis of Clauses 1.9, 2.3-2.8 of the Regulations.

I agree, the ToR can stipulate this.
The key words here are'agreed detailed' ToR.

So far, it's not working without source code.

Almost every new build requires recompilation.

The key words here are"agreed detailed" TOR.

That's understandable. Actually, I think it would be more convenient for you too, if the form of the product you ordered was immediately indicated in the application form. This is a response to the second post.

And about the first (paragraphs 1.5-1.6 of the rules and 1.9, 2.3-2.8) frankly, I do not understand. What rules are you talking about?

Really, I don't understand. If you mean these, then 2.8 isn't there... What other rules are there, give me a link?