Happy New Year 2011! - page 8

Mmmm... fresh...
La Senza presents The Cup Size Choir
  • www.cupsizechoir.com
La Senza presents The Cup Size Choir. Seven girls with bra sizes A to G make up the musical notes of the Cup Size Choir.

Mr Policeman

3 February, 13:46
- Good afternoon, respected citizen. I am forced to note you have a whole list of minor, but particularly unpleasant in the current state of strengthening the rule of law and the rule of law...
- Mr. policeman, bypassing the regulations, can I address you with a motivating initiative?
- Be my guest, dear Russian. I am even prepared to temporarily suspend your detention and search regime.
- You have justly and professionally guessed my violation of the administrative registration regime in Moscow. I have to agree with the legality and legitimacy of your actions. But I have a legislative, social initiative...
- Can you be more specific? Does it lie within the legal framework or can it be classified as a pre-emptive investment in the reform of law enforcement at the junior NCO level?
- More likely the latter. Could you, Mr. Policeman, assist in determining the authenticity of this 500-ruble banknote?
- The matter is not within my competence. But my civic engagement and professional conscience do not allow me to ignore your request. Since I'm not an expert, the procedure will take a long time. And... an expert may be required. Is there any way you could provide an additional sample of the note?
- It's a bit difficult, but under the circumstances... After all, we're all in this together. Here, take this note for examination as well, which I'm sure is genuine.
- Thank you for your civic engagement and your assistance to the Russian Federation Police. I hope I will be able to inform you of the results of the examination at our next meeting. Please take your passport, dear citizen. Have a safe journey.


Убийственный ответ на дип агитку Навального!
  • tsarev_alex
  • tsarev-alex.livejournal.com
Данный журнал весьма несерьезен. Аффтар жжот понемногу. В меру сил и времени. Основные темы: юмор вообще, юмор рекламный, юмор кадровый, сатира, заметки об авто, недлинные рассуждения о жизни. Стараюсь писать регулярно, но особо не утомлять читателей. Френдполитика либеральная. Просматриваю всех, кто добавил меня во френды. Сам добавляю тех...

Nice kitty!
