Happy New Year 2011! - page 7


In short - no collar, no tuft of hair on the top of the head. And what an open space for imagination, epithets and associations with friends and colleagues ...

I wonder how participation in the photo shoot will reflect on the exhibit's libido. How her personal life will be..,

how often she will remember in moments of intimacy the presenter of the "Health" programme and what words she will use


Dads! Present and future!

Theoretically it can't be, because it can never be. But it looks like it can.

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Kuusamon Uistin
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  • conwell
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In May 2012 we relaunched our Media Centre website and renamed it News. Our archive of news stories is still available, although the web addresses for some of these pages have now changed...

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"Leetz mi spic fra mei hart" ©

I had a hearty laugh, thank you. :)