Why are there so few experts in the MQL5 database? - page 6


вот сейчас посчитал в 2006 году за полгода всего было выложено 15 экспертов на MQL4, 60 индикаторов. причем эксперты начали выкладывать с 2005.11.09 а индикаторы с 2005.09.15 разрыв в два месяца, первый скрипт был выложен 2005.09.16 и за полгода всего было выложено около 10 штук

Interesting statistics, almost all is the same, only there are a few "BUT": How much more popular and widespread is MT platform compared to 2005, there were brokerage companies you can count on fingers, as well as the account of traders was clearly not many-many thousands ...

I'm not talking only about myself or my colleagues, not all of whom are professional programmers, but often amateur amateur programmers.

I don't know what you mean, honestly? I think that if you have a similar Expert Advisor branch, of course, it will be less active (because of some peculiarities), but still there will be some.

I think, that if there is such a branch in the experts section activity will be certainly less (because of certain features), but still will be.


You should understand that to register a normal EA is much harder than a simple indicator, because of some specific features of their behavior (I'm not saying that each of them should be tested in a tester and held on a demo for at least a week)...

At the same time many EAs are customized for certain indices, which must also be rewritten in MQL5 (providing a stable operation of the entire trading complex).

So think after that, how convenient it is to rewrite experts. Although, there are some pitfalls too...



I will sooner or later, and if need be, do everything myself. And I've already written the first trading Expert Advisor, not even 5 days ago) The MQ developer must have searched while writing it))

The elementary things, like simply finding out the current price, requesting Bid, three letters in MT4, in MT5 the entire complex with structures, copying arrays, etc. has to be completed. Does it really work faster? I can't even imagine how many mistakes it may eventually result in (internal and internal). They still find errors in MT4. IMHO they shouldn't have changed the language that much, they could have changed the interpreter, compiler, tester, added something, but everything was rewritten from scratch. Of course, professionals will get additional advantages, but everyone else will be left behind. But professionals were able to write everything in C before, for example, having attached it to binding with trading operations. The massiveness of MQL5 as with semi-scripted MQL4 is out of question. Sadness...

Question/question to those who mastered MQL5 and knows MQL4, try to estimate in figures how much more complicated 5 is? For me it's 5-10 times more complicated.

> It seems to me 5-10 times more complicated.

You're wrong (it depends on how you approach the question)...

If you rewrite as accurately as possible everything that is on a neighboring forum (as discussed in the first posts branch), while using the latest versions of Help (preferably online mode) all appears very easy.

You just need to show a certain amount of imagination and ingenuity when it comes to organizing the development process...

Do you think you're breathing air, here in this place...? (The Matrix, dialogue between Neo and Morpheus)

Oh yes, what was I saying? I'll have to quote myself again:


Only I, unlike many others, did not start to write DARK EAs of 100 lines in length. I have been creating a code library for already SIX months, which I will use later as a constructor in development of EAs of any complexity. Most of the code in this library is devoted to the issue of migration from MQL4 to MQL5. If you're not going to ask why it takes so long, I'll tell you right away - I develop everything from scratch and don't use ready-made solutions (classes, structures, etc.).

Therefore, based on my own experience, I can confidently say that the transition from MQL4 to MQL5 is not more complicated than from Pascal 7.0 to Delphi 7.0 (which, in the opinion of many, was the most successful implementation of the Classic Edition).

The only matter is to find a good description of what is: Modular (Unity) Layout, what are objects and classes, what are data structures and finally, what are events and methods (all this is of course well described in the help, but those who is not enough can easily find it all from other sources).

Do you think I really use the programming style proposed by MQL5 developers all the time? Or worse, do I clone the same code dozens of times in Expert Advisors?

No, you don't. :) Based on my programming experience (realizing the simple truth that only modular and library code structure is really effective), I simply created a convenient CONSTRUCTOR, from which I can now make anything I like.

The second thing I threw all my forces into - the so called MIGRATION LIBRARY, which makes the process of code migration from MQL4 to MQL5 as easy and convenient as possible.

Do you really think that while working with date and time you should always do everything as described in Help?

Or, it's easier to make a module with such functions and then use it where and how you like:

//Возвращает день месяца последнего известного времени сервера
int Day();
//Возвращает порядковый номер дня недели (воскресенье-0,1,2,3,4,5,6)
int DayOfWeek();
//Возвращает текущий день года (1-1 января,..,365(6) - 31 декабря)
int DayOfYear();
//Возвращает текущий час (0,1,2,..23) последнего известного серверного времени
int Hour();
//Возвращает текущую минуту (0,1,2,..59) последнего известного серверного времени
int Minute();
//Возвращает номер текущего месяца (1-Январь,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)
int Month();
//Возвращает количество секунд, прошедших с начала текущей минуты
int Seconds();
//Возвращает день месяца (1 - 31) для указанной даты
int TimeDay(datetime date);
//Возвращает день недели (0-Воскресенье,1,2,3,4,5,6) для указанной даты
int TimeDayOfWeek(datetime date);
//Возвращает день (1 - 1 января,..,365(6) - 31 декабря) года для указанной даты
int TimeDayOfYear(datetime date);
//Возвращает час для указанного времени
int TimeHour(datetime time);
//Возвращает минуты для указанного времени
int TimeMinute(datetime time);
//Возвращает номер месяца для указанного времени (1-Январь,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)
int TimeMonth(datetime time);
//Возвращает количество секунд, прошедших с начала минуты для указанного времени
int TimeSeconds(datetime time);

there is an inaccuracy

// the sequence number of the day of the year (1 January is the 0th day of the year)


Экспорт истории котировок
Экспорт истории котировок
  • votes: 10
  • 2010.06.15
  • Prival
  • www.mql5.com
Назначение скрипта – экспорт истории котировок в формат, удобный для анализа в специализированных программах тех. анализа.

there is an inaccuracy

// the serial number of the day of the year (1 January is the 0th day of the year)


There is no mistake, I said earlier that this is a "MIGRATION library" (I don't care how the developers imagine it). January 1 always has 1.

Did I make a transparent hint?

Advisors are scarce because the new language is all muddled up!!! Why should all the guts of the functions have to be rewritten?! The developers all over the world with the release of a new version of an information product always try to simplify the work with it, without sacrificing features. And there is no chaos at all, as if the kitchen brokers specifically paid for the language to become much more difficult and less gravy to be written. Bgggg
Switching to OOP gentlemen, what do you want?
Advisors are scarce because the new language is all muddled up!!! Why should all the guts of the functions have to be rewritten?! The developers all over the world with the release of a new version of an information product always try to simplify the work with it, without sacrificing features. And here it seems to be chaos, as if the kitchen brokers specifically paid for the language to become much more difficult and less gravy to write. Bgh
The MQL5 language is accessible and elegant from the point of view of an unbiased beginner. And provocations are just like provocations.

What was implemented in MT4 with a dozen lines, in 5 I got a hundred. Elementary things like simply finding out the current price, requesting Bid, three letters in MT4, in MT5 you have to make a hortex with structures, copying arrays, etc. Is it really faster?

If you can't use the standard structure, who's stopping you from using functions to get bid and ask prices?

SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_BID); 
SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_ASK);
You've been told to ask specific questions about the code you don't understand.

you have already been advised, ask specific questions about the code you don't understand

I don't have any questions yet, as I wrote - it's just a topic of reflection.

And 34 characters is still not 3...

From the point of view of an unbiased beginner MQL5 is an accessible and elegant language. And provocations are provocations.
From the point of view of a professional systems programmer, MQL5 is an clumsy bastard, supported from all sides, that may be easy to write simple things, but very difficult to write something really fundamental.