Why are there so few experts in the MQL5 database? - page 13

Yes, we are already working on getting a ready-made Expert Advisor with one big green button - "Get Profit". The Expert Advisor will have two external parameters - the bank account number and the required profit amount.
But what if someone does not get the humor? :O
Yes, we are already working on getting a ready-made Expert Advisor with one big green button - "Get Profit". The Expert Advisor will have two external parameters - bank account number and required profit amount.
:о) For me +1000% per day please, very please I will give you a kickback of more than half.

Да, мы уже работаем над тем, чтобы на выходе получался готовый эксперт с одной большой зеленой кнопкой - "Get Profit". У эксперта будет два внешних параметра  - номер банковского счета и требуемая сумма прибыли. 

Too many numbers to enter:)

I have a flop that's been idle for about five years, probably rusty, I could get some notes to fly out of its slot at once (

But seriously, now I'm not interested in profits, first I want MT to work like clockwork, then you can think about its convenience.

Please answer the questions with the problems you've identified...

For example here https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/1111/page56/#comment_11189

Yes, we are already working on getting a ready-made Expert Advisor with one big green button - "Get Profit". The Expert Advisor will have two external parameters - the bank account number and the required profit amount.

Sign me up first as a tester, just for an hour! That's all I need.

Do you really want to compile only EX5 from Wizard?


Do you really only want to compile EX5 from wizard?

MQ5 will be generated.
It's obvious that only the developers and modders don't curse the language, so they'll probably take part in the championship! Well, since they can't by the rules, then... nothing will happen. What can guess, you can probably already bet in a bookmaker's office on failure
It's obvious that only the developers and modders don't curse the language, so they'll take part in the championship! Well, since they can not by the rules, then ... nothing will happen. What can guess, you can probably already in a bookmaker's office to bet on the failure

Instead of drooling, check out the Automated Trading Championship 2010:

Automated Trading Championship 2010
  • championship.mql5.com
Automated Trading Championship 2010
The MQ5 will be generated.


The number of experts in CodeBase will increase immensely! :)



The number of experts in CodeBase will increase immensely! :)

Do not forget about the quantity which (according to the law of dialectics) simply must transform into quality.
It's obvious that only the developers and modders don't curse the language, so they'll probably take part in the championship! Well, since they can't by the rules, then... nothing will happen. What's to guess, you can probably already bet in a bookmaker's office on failure.
I'm not scolding. It's fine. I just want to fix the crookedness...