Errors, bugs, questions - page 583

The only way this works is to explicitly assign a function value to a variable. Please correct .
class proba
      int   Nambe;
       void     Init(){Nambe=10 ;};
       void     Vedenie() {Nambe--  ;};
       bool     Start(){if (Nambe >0) return(true); return(false) ;};        
proba cikl;
void OnStart()
      bool aaa;
            cikl.Vedenie() ;
            Print(" Функция старт вернула ",cikl.Start());
            aaa=cikl.Start() ;
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Операции и выражения / Операции присваивания
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Операции и выражения / Операции присваивания
Основы языка / Операции и выражения / Операции присваивания - Документация по MQL5

I wrote about this last winter, but it hasn't been corrected yet.

If the deposit is larger than 100m and the corresponding lot size, the closing results are no longer properly accounted for.

Losses at closing positions are not deducted from the balance. Because of this,it is impossible to test strategies on large intervals of history.


There is an error in the documentation.


It's frustrating when a few days' work goes down the drain and you have to start all over again.

Has the file cache been created? This is what the file cache was created for and should be used for re-calculations.

With all due respect, please explain the problem. Imho, the problem is not in the skier and not in the asphalt, skis remain. How is it possible that the cycle becomes infinite? Or kick in the direction of the ski.

Thank you, we will look into it.

Why does the ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE enumeration start with 1?


Why wouldn't it? This enumerator has always been like this
Why wouldn't it? This enumerator has always been like that.

In a foursome, it starts from zero. And the rest of the enumeration starts from zero too. It was easy to assume that this one starts from zero, but it doesn't.

In general, the problem occurs, and on condition that you don't know this feature, and only when you use numbers instead of names (which is sometimes necessary in loops), in other cases, you should write the name of the desired value.


There is an error in the documentation.

Thank you, it has been corrected.

Am I missing something, or is this a bug?

It gives an error 4805.
If so, it works fine.

I take it the build is 540. What's the bit rate?

I couldn't reproduce it right away.


Am I missing something, or is this a bug?

It gives error 4805.

This is how it will work:

//--------------------------ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ ВНЕШНИХ ПАРАМЕТРОВ------------------------------------------------+
//--------------------------ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ ГЛОБАЛЬНЫХ ПЕРЕМЕННЫХ---------------------------------------------+
//--------------------------ИНИЦИАЛИЗАЦИЯ ЭКСПЕРТА-------------------------------------------------------+
int OnInit(){
   frHandle = iFractals(Symbol(),(ENUM_TIMEFRAME)TF);
   if(frHandle == INVALID_HANDLE){
      Print(__FUNCTION__," : ","error handle indicator",GetLastError());
      start = true;