Errors, bugs, questions - page 576


Why don't you then publish the conclusions of your analysis? Listen to the opinions of other professionals in the field. Maybe you will hear something useful for yourself. I hope that you (MQ company) do not think you are the smartest. And so you do not need to listen to others' opinions.

We independently verify the results of our analysis by releasing many builds and testing.

We have a sufficient number of our own developers to make decisions concerning the kernel and platform principles. The reality is that no one from the outside will understand even superficially, due to the lack of practical experience we have gained during the past 11 years of developing trading platforms.

The final product is a compromise between a lot of directly opposing aspirations. Without significant experience in developing similar platforms and with one-way goals, you will not get beyond the first test layout.

I had to write the last comments because it's about well-designed technical solutions we're really proud of.



3. You are using multi-core in the tester. What prevents you from using this multi-core in the online environment? My guess is that it's still synchronizing the data. For most tasks in trading, synchronization on every tick is not needed. Moreover, it's harmful, because it will consume resources without giving any meaningful information. Do the synchronization after a certain period of time. After all, there is no great difference between the bar opened at 1.34235 or 1.34240. The difference between High and Low of this bar will be larger than the one I have given.

The "multithreading" in the tester is justified and quite explainable.


2. I know one general principle:

- When a person is looking for reasons why it is impossible to solve a given task, this task will never be solved by this individual. But if a person is looking for the ways of solving a particular task, he usually finds them (the ways of solving).

Speaking about problems that may occur with "multithreading" Renat is right. But this is only one side of the coin.

On the one hand, independent threads, separate queues, etc. are good. However, what does it have to do with a single Expert Advisor running on a bulk of symbols (for example, an Expert Advisor participating in the Championship)? After all, there can be more than 12 symbols (or even 100).

At the moment, there are a lot of things that allow you to create "crutches" and "prosthetics", but it doesn't make it any easier.


1. Why do all the open charts with indicators in the terminal in the online mode run on one core? I have 4 cores on my computer and three of them are idle. Maybe the cloud is to blame for this performance?

Good question, I want to know the answer too.



1. Why are all the open charts with indicators in the terminal online running on one core? I have 4 cores on my computer and three of them are idle. May be the cloud is to blame for such performance?


Good question, I want to know the answer too.

Charts run in different threads, but all programs running on the same chart in the same thread (this statement is verified many times, so much so that you can take credit from the bank for it).

Attempt to fix HistorySelect() in build 540 failed;

Selecting the start date of the query now doesn't work. Congratulations!!!


Attempt to fix HistorySelect() in build 540 failed;

Selecting the start date of the query now doesn't work. Congratulations!!!

Let's have the details.

Tried to withdraw from the account. same error as the other questioner.

The transaction cannot be completed. Financial transactions are temporarily unavailable for your account.


The issues you raise are not your only concern. But, imho, there is no problem in MT5 with normal implementation of multicurrency. It's more a question of learning the platform itself and the programming language. Since the last Championship I have developed 11 mulics based on Spy. Four of them are scalpers. One Pips Expert Advisor has been working on real account for at least half a year. No claims. One tick collector is working on real, it collects ticks from 97 instruments. Out of the other three, three of them are also standing on the real market. One of them uses 27 pairs for analysis; he trades on 4 pairs.


On the one hand, independent streams, separate queues and so on are good. But what does it have to do with one EA working with a great number of symbols (for example, an Expert Advisor participating in the Championship)? And there can be more than 12 symbols (or even 100).

For example, in the Championship, the Spies only send trade orders to the Expert Advisor. And the Expert Advisor is solely aimed at processing those trade orders, placing orders, tracking trade errors, etc. When testing this engine on demo, I ran it on all currency pairs that MQ has on demo (there are about 30 of them).

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Торговые константы / Типы торговых операций
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Торговые константы / Типы торговых операций
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Торговые константы / Типы торговых операций - Документация по MQL5

Tried to withdraw from the account. same error as the other questioner.

The transaction cannot be completed. Financial transactions are temporarily unavailable for your account.

Answered in private.

Renat, still, please answer my first question about working online.
I didn't quite understand the question. Describe it more technically, please.
Kostantin, I read your article when it first appeared. I thought then, this is a parametric event handler. But when I started to write a multicurrency EA, I faced with the fact that I still have to create logic to handle signals of spies. So, you can simply poll the instruments at every tick. Why create an intermediate link that does not provide any benefits. (no offense). Besides, at that moment the work of the OnChartEvent() event handler left much to be desired. I didn't want to get in trouble with the Championship (as it was with bars at the Championship 2010), so I gave up your method. Your method is not a solution for the multicurrency mode. My multicurrency works with one instrument on every tick and feels great. It bypasses all symbols within 12 ticks. And it has the same functionality. But anyway, it is not a solution for the multicurrency mode.

:) I'm not offended if someone doesn't use spies and doesn't eat my borscht. I am not happy with the idea: "there is no multi-currency solution". This idea might stop others from creating multicurrency and it at least contradicts your own words:

2. I know one general principle:

- When a personis looking for reasons why a given task cannot be accomplished, that task will never be accomplished by that individual. But if a person is looking forways of solving aparticular problem, he usually finds them (solutions).

(No offence).