Errors, bugs, questions - page 517


This is described in the help.

It's also easy to find the common folder now

Thank you!

I just read the help, but usually skip the sections on how to use the program .

I just read the function descriptions and so on.

But is it possible to change the location of these folders?

If you think logically, scripts, indicators, etc. are My Documents. And it would be convenient to store them in My Documents.

The more so because I have Windows on one disk. And my documents are on a different disk.

And in the event of a crash. Or reinstall it. I wouldn't have to remember if I copied all my work to another drive.


The OBJPROP_ZORDER property does not always work. That is, if a click is made on an OBJ_LABEL object and there is another object behind that object, the rear object function is triggered. This seems to happen when the click hits an empty character area.

Currently there are such properties asOBJPROP_XOFFSET andOBJPROP_YOFFSET. When you use them, you can make a particular area of an object invisible. It would be useful to make properties that would make specified areas of an object unavailable for clicks.

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Типы объектов
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Типы объектов
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Типы объектов - Документация по MQL5

I've got this thing on my profile:

What's that supposed to mean?


I've got this thing on my profile:

What's that supposed to mean?

Like this:

Renat 2011.09.15 03:26 #
The Championship will start on time.

And monitoring and distributing signals is a complicated project, it cannot be done quickly. We are about to launch the paid cludes for agents.


I've got this thing on my profile:

What's that supposed to mean?

It's not a real charge-off, don't worry. For now it's just informative messages about virtual charges/discharges for using agents from MQL5 Cloud Network.

Perhaps some gaps in knowledge give rise to such questions, but I could not find anything similar on my own, and implementation using algorithmic tricks seems to me to be nothing but an ugly crutch perversion.

Do graphical objects have weights? That is, visibility priorities. Not in relation to price chart (checkbox in object properties "draw object as background" - it's already there), but solely between the constructed graphical objects themselves. There are, understandably, no multiple layers and we can't expect any. However, there is the following order of things: if several identical graphical objects fall on the same time position, the one that was superimposed last will be visible. It will be in the foreground, blocking out the others. There is no other way to get to the others than through the Object List (ctrl+b).

If there is a way to programmatically assign/distribute visualization weights to objects, please advise how to do this. If not, it would be vital to add this as a property/attribute.

Going back to the beginning of the post, I can say that so far the only algorithm that exists for me is that the objects with the highest priority should be tweaked last - then they will override all others in the same position in terms of visibility. This is a bad idea, inconvenient. Or deleting already existing hidden object and redrawing it last in the construction queue is not a better idea.


Perhaps some gaps in knowledge give rise to such questions, but I could not find anything similar on my own, and implementation using algorithmic tricks seems to me to be nothing but an ugly crutch perversion.

Do graphical objects have weights? That is, visibility priorities. Not in relation to price chart (checkbox in object properties "draw object as background" - it's already there), but solely between the constructed graphical objects themselves. There are, understandably, no multiple layers and we can't expect any. However, there is the following order of things: if several identical graphical objects fall on the same time position, the one that was superimposed last will be visible. It will be in the foreground, obscuring the others. There is no other way to get to the others than through the Object List (ctrl+b).

If there is a way to programmatically assign/distribute visualization weights to objects, please advise how to do this. If not, it would be vital to add this as a property/attribute.

Going back to the beginning of the post, I can say that so far the only algorithm that exists for me is that the objects with the highest priority should be tweaked last - then they will override all others in the same position in terms of visibility. This is a bad idea, inconvenient. Or delete an already existing hidden object and redraw it last in the construction queue - this idea is no better.

I support it, as I've already written about it too)).

An example of how it should be:

bool  ObjectSetInteger(
   long    chart_id,          // идентификатор графика
   string  name,              // имя
   int     prop_id,           // свойство. Вот здесь должно быть свойство OBJPROP_LAYER
   long    prop_value         // значение. А здесь номер слоя

And of course in the manual setting dialog this option is needed.


I second that, as I've written about it too.))

An example of how it should be:

And of course the manual setting dialog box needs this option.

It's not about layers, it's just about sequencing, layers are a bit different. So not OBJPROP_LAYER, but something like OBJPROP_WEIGHT or OBJPROP_PRIORITY.
It's not about layers, it's just about the sequence, layers are a bit different. So not OBJPROP_LAYER, but something like OBJPROP_WEIGHT or OBJPROP_PRIORITY.
Why isn't OBJPROP_ZORDER appropriate?
Why doesn't OBJPROP_ZORDER work?

That's why it doesn't fit as this property is related to the aspect of selecting a graphical object with a mouse and not to the order of rendering it.

And here, in fact, it is absolutely unclear why the property OBJPROP_ZORDER, which in theory distributes integer priorities in a small range (you can not squeeze many objects on a chart anyway), suddenly has long type. Why does it need 8 bytes? Wouldn't short be enough? Could someone comment on this?