Errors, bugs, questions - page 510


It's working, thank you. For about 10 minutes and then:

Service Unavailable.

HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

Maybe it's a temporary solution to move the forum to the A server? I'm not there to tell jokes, I'm going to the countryside in a week...

It all worked, they just did a control restart of the server.

We would be happy to move engine to MQL5, but it is too old from 2004 and requires too much effort to rebuild. We will keep it in working condition as it is. In addition, we will now make small improvements to it.


It all worked, they just did a server restart.

We would be glad to convert engine to the new one from MQL5, but it is too old from 2004 and needs a lot of rebuilding work. We will keep it in working condition as it is. In addition, we will now make small improvements to it.

Judging superficially on the qualifications of the developers of all your software, I dare to suggest that the conversion of the forum four under the engine five will not take more than a night, while families are unlikely to feel deprived of attention :)


By the way, there's a bug. When replying, the quote frame does not release :)

tara: is not a forum engine.

There's a lot there, including code base engines, articles, ATC 2006/2007/2008 championships, internal management, etc.

In fact the move could reduce the accumulated user base by a factor of 2 or more. Therefore we will maintain the existing version.

Automated Trading Championship 2006
Automated Trading Championship 2006

The frame won't let me out anyway :)

Even more so. Past championships data will no longer change, nor will the internal management. That leaves the bases: 1) Forum 2) Library.

imho, it's easier to task an intern for a month and give him a night to convert two files + dictionaries, rather than run the risk that the engine (the more so - all of them) will go crazy with 599th episode of Forex trends and forecasts, that developers have never seen in their darkest nightmares about seven years ago :)

By the way, the new articles and codes can be transferred to the A server today. The manuscripts do not burn :)


and another penultimate bug - :)

this is how the engine takes the phrase "... rather than risk ...".

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Стили рисования
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Стили рисования
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Стили рисования - Документация по MQL5
What browser do you use?
What browser do you use?
Basically, I have the same thing, but I don't consider it a "bug". I have IE8 on two computers. The bug itself arises because after quoting the cursor stays inside the frame. It can be solved manually: either "Right arrow" until the cursor is outside the frame (usually one beat), or "Enter "+"Right arrow".

and another penultimate bug - :)

this is how the engine takes the phrase "... rather than risk ...".

Reproduced the phrase "... rather than risk...". What's the "bug"?


Reproduced the phrase "...rather than risk...". What's the "bug"?

Here's the thing :)

And arrows and input - nude, no reaction

I have IE 9 + Windows 7 (64)