Errors, bugs, questions - page 472

It's simpler this way -- ','
It's easier this way -- ','.
Oh, right, looked at the example in documentation ;-). I still use my function with string separator everywhere, because the separator can be a sequence of characters.
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Тип string
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Тип string
Основы языка / Типы данных / Тип string - Документация по MQL5
There are no two sets.

String and array. They all end up with the same values, right?

Make it a delimited string...

И? I need the inputs by cell.

Thanks for StringSplit. It's not in the help at all.

I'll have to think about it. In principle, also an option. Thank you all.

Thank you for StringSplit. It's not in the help at all.

It is StringSplit. Download the latest version, you can simply delete the current help file to do this, the editor will upload the current current version the first time you access it.
There is a StringSplit. Download a fresh version, you can simply delete the current help file to do this, the editor will upload the current up-to-date one the first time it is accessed.
Yes, we have it now, thank you.
I wish someone would answer me... No word here, no word at the SD...
In MQL5 there is no scope like in C++. Therefore, all declarations inside the class are visible from the outside.
I wish someone would answer me... No word here, no word in the SD...
Don't worry, I have a dozen tasks in SR and no word on all of them ;-).
There is no scope in MQL5 like in C++. That's why all the declarations inside a class are visible outside.

Holy crap, I was hoping it was a bug.

Another question -- are there plans to introduce static and constant members in the class? -- haven't figured out how to get around the lack of them normally.

And there was also a question about code pages. #180052

... Just in case, you can't have classes in classes either?

Youcan't see them from the outside:
Don't worry, I've got a dozen of tasks in SD and I've got silence on all of them ;-).
It's a shame that the time for questions of explicitly elementary level is found, while the questions that are unlikely to be answered by anyone but them are ignored.