Errors, bugs, questions - page 462


Send to servicedesk two versions of code to check? Without code, the answer is simple "everyone puts the code in a single unit, so there is no difference".

Maybe paging data or something else (e.g. caching in a previously raised agent) was affecting the results? Tests should be done several times after warming up to avoid simple errors.

Don't forget that the first test run is almost always longer due to the fact that the agent goes up into memory and builds its caches. Subsequent passes already work with a well-prepared agent.

Maybe the caches were still up to date, I'll check again later (usually there is enough time between tests for all agents to get unloaded).

I will probably not send the code, I will try to analyze it myself (moreover there is a lot of work to be done and there is always something to remove or add).


The new test has shown 266954 ms, so the optimization most probably took place (now we only need to find out where exactly it took place).

And in general there are limits on size of EA, or number of functions in it (I suppose not, but I'll clarify it anyway)...?


Is there a limit to the size of the EA, or the number of functions in it (I assume not, but I'll clarify)...?
There are no explicit limitations, unless there is a compiler error.

To the developers of

Can the size of compiled file (library or Expert Advisor) change depending on the OS and the composition of inludes?

On the first part of the question - The point is that I think that on different OS (Win 2003 and Win XP) compiled file sizes are different (although the difference can not be very large), while the source is an exact copy.

Regarding the second part of the question - I took the library, the library itself has not changed for several months, only the include files are changed. The size of ex5 ranges from 19KB to 20KB.


To the developers of

Can the size of the compiled file (library or Expert Advisor) change depending on the OS and the composition of the included inludniks?

The size does not change only from OS to OS, it changes all the time at each compilation.

Well, that's protection. The developers have already written about it.

There's not much rubbish added. It's different every time.


Well, that's protection. The developers have already written about it.

The developers have already written about it.

That's what I thought too, but 3 Kb of "rubbish" seems to be too much.
the size changes not only from OS to OS, it changes constantly at each compilation.
Not on every one, I checked. there is a certain algorithm...
Not on every one, I checked. there is a certain algorithm...

of course there is :)

but i've changed on every one.
In principle, it doesn't affect it at all. we all understand that it's done for a good cause.

Yes, each time ex5 is encrypted differently and has a floating size.

of course there is :)

But I have a change at every one of them.
In principle, it doesn't touch it at all. we all understand that it's done for a good cause.

Me too, it doesn't seem to bother me, I just accidentally saw that in XP file weighs 20Kb and in Win 2003 it's 23Kb (if the difference wasn't more than 1Kb or there was one OS, I wouldn't pay attention to it)...