Errors, bugs, questions - page 383


My Expert Advisor at some point starts to misbehave, a message appears in the log when it is removed from the chart:

Abnormal termination

OnDeinit function is empty. What does this message mean ?

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Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции / Функции обработки событий
Основы языка / Функции / Функции обработки событий - Документация по MQL5

My Expert Advisor at some point starts to misbehave, a message appears in the log when it is removed from the chart:

Abnormal termination

OnDeinit function is empty. What does this message mean ?

That it's looped ... or something similar...
That he's fixated... or something like that...
What else, such a thing could it be? It's just that every tick of the quote is displayed, with the execution times of code sections with loops, everything seems to be fine.
What else, similar things can happen? It's just that every tick of a quote is displayed, with the execution time of code sections with loops, everything seems to be fine.
I had Abnormal termination popped up when I launched a task requiring large calculations and unknowingly restarted the terminal. When I left the terminal "alone" to work for about 15-20 minutes, the required results appeared.

Build 439, 441, Win XP 32-bit OS. Turns off agents with message "Too slow agent...". Last build that worked well, in my opinion, was 425.

The agent is too slow...

I had Abnormal termination popping up when I launched a task requiring large calculations and unknowingly restarted the terminal. When I left the terminal "alone" to work for about 15-20 minutes, the required results appeared.

In large loops, add IsStopped() as an exit condition.


Build 439, 441, Win XP 32-bit OS. Turns off agents with message "Too slow agent...". Last build that worked well, in my opinion, was 425.

Do you only have local agents?

This will be rectified shortly


Do you only have local agents?

No, it happens to remote ones too.


This situation will be resolved in the near future

Wouldn't it be great if you release a user-configurable parameter about the average time an agent is deemed to be retarded?


No, it happens to remote ones too.

It would be great, maybe a user-configurable parameter about the average time at which an agent is considered to be slow?

With local and remote, that's the idea. If it's just local agents, then the slowness check will be disabled.

We won't introduce a custom parameter. We will improve the algorithm for detecting slow agents.

Actually if the "slow agent failed" message appears, it means that the slow agent too slow had duplicated the job it was running, and gave it to another agent. And this other agent completed the duplicated task before the "slow agent" did (taking into account that the tasks were not distributed in parallel, but with a significant delay). So indeed the "slow" agent is too slow, and he was put out of the way for a while


In large loops, add IsStopped() as an additional exit condition

Exactly! You often use this function in your standard library - now I'm beginning to understand its practical value. Thanks.
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Документация по MQL5: Стандартная библиотека
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