Errors, bugs, questions - page 2316


The question was actually meant for the developers, so that there was a basis for discrepancies in the reasons for the discrepancies.

With this result in mind, the basis is not yet visible


With this result in mind, you can't see the base yet

In your version it would be 50/50. In mine, everything is slightly skewed to one side.


In your version it would be 50/50. In mine, everything is slightly skewed to one side.

There is no obvious bias, at least that's why:

by_ref took 14433.781 milliseconds: sum=-1000000ll
by_val took 13817.533 milliseconds: sum=-1000000ll

by_ref took 13889.424 milliseconds: sum=-1000000ll
by_val took 14135.603 milliseconds: sum=-1000000ll

Here you have it all mirrored

I need a simpler example... Without rand function - it looks like you're measuring its speed (or something else), not ref and val. All the more strange that I'm a simple x86 tablet, and the order of the numbers is about the same ~14 vs ~18. And so that in an alternate comparison completely (!) the same cycles give the same result, not as here

A person writes to me in my private message here and I can't go to his page - I get a 404 error (I can go to other correspondents' pages without any problems). I don't think I should go to a public forum about this, should I? How to solve these issues without support?

I need a simpler example...

Decided to write my own code entirely, rather than fixing someone else's.

int Ref( string &Str ) { return(Str == NULL ? 1 : 0); }
int Val( string  Str ) { return(Str == NULL ? 1 : 0); }

#define  ITERATIONS 1 e5

int BenchRef( const string &Str, const int Iterations = ITERATIONS )
  int Res = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++)
    string Str2 = (string)i + Str;
    Res += Ref(Str2);

int BenchVal( const string &Str, const int Iterations = ITERATIONS )
  int Res = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++)
    Res += Val((string)i + Str);

#define _CS(A) ((!::IsStopped()) && (A))

#define  BENCH(A,B)                                           \
{                                                            \
  ulong MinTime = ULONG_MAX;                                 \
  for (int i = 0; _CS(i < B); i++)                           \
  {                                                          \
    Comment(#A + ": " + (string)i + "/" + #B);               \
    const ulong StartTime=GetMicrosecondCount();             \
    A;                                                       \
    const ulong TmpTime = GetMicrosecondCount() - StartTime; \
    if (TmpTime < MinTime)                                   \
      MinTime = TmpTime;                                     \
  }                                                          \
  Print("Time["+#A+"] = "+(string)MinTime);                  \

void OnStart()
  string Str = " ";
  for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    Str += Str;
  BENCH(BenchRef(Str), 100)
  BENCH(BenchVal(Str), 100)

Time[BenchRef(Str)] = 545708
Time[BenchVal(Str)] = 543934

Seems to be on equal footing. The first iterations are very different from each other. Then it aligns.


Where should I send a request to fix the bug that when you drag one edge of a line with ctrl, that line is either copied or not? It's a matter of luck.

I think the forum is about language, but where should I send it about the platform?

Windows 10

MT5 x64 build 1932

I cannot add a signal. The broker field doesn't show my fortfs broker, but it used to.
2018.10.30 13:36:45.438 BotTradeHelperTelegram XAUUSD,M1: The address '' must be added to the list of allowed URLs in the tab 'Advisors'Error64

2018.10.30 13:36:45.438 BotTradeHelperTelegram XAUUSD,M1: Error in WebRequest. Error code=4060

Who can tell me what this error is and how to fix it ?

2018.10.30 13:36:45.438 BotTradeHelperTelegram XAUUSD,M1: The address '' must be added to the list of allowed URLs in the tab 'Advisors'Error64

2018.10.30 13:36:45.438 BotTradeHelperTelegram XAUUSD,M1: Error in WebRequest. Error code=4060

Any advice on what kind of error and how to fix it?

Service - Settings - Expert Advisors

Vladimir Karputov:

Service - Settings - Advisors

is not saved ((