Errors, bugs, questions - page 2119


::TextSetFont always returns true (unless name = NULL)

void OnStart()
        string name = "error.err";
        Print( TextSetFont( name, 0, 0, 0 )); //Результат: true

Compilation error

#define  MACRO1( A, B )         (A "." B)
#define  MACRO2( A, B )          A "." B

#resource "\\Images\\" MACRO1( "dollar", "bmp" ) //нормально
#resource "\\Images\\" MACRO2( "euro",   "bmp" )
                                                 //error: '.' - name expected
void OnStart() {}

What difference does it make?


How does it work to check the number of bars on the chart?

if(Bars(_Symbol, _Period)<1000)
    Alert("На графике не достаточно баров");

I have less bars on the chart and it doesn't write a warning, or it's not necessarily the bars that are visible in the terminal window.


::TextSetFont always returns true (except name = NULL)

Graphic objects

A group of functions intended for operating with graphical objects referring to any specified chart.

Functions specifying properties of graphical objects as well as operations of creating ObjectCreate() and moving ObjectMove() objects on the chart are actually used for sending commands to the chart. If these functions are executed successfully, the command gets to the general event queue of the chart. Visual modification of the properties of graphical objects is performed during the processing of the event queue of the given chart.

For that reason, one should not expect immediate visual update of graphic objects after the call of those functions. Generally, updating of chart objects is performed by the terminal automatically on events of change - arrival of a new quote, change of a chart window size, etc. For a forced update of graphical objects, use the ChartRedraw() command.


What is it?

Задачи в проекте "Рекламно-аналитическая система" включают в себя следующие области разработки:

  • Big Data storage and processing systems
  • Fault-tolerant geo-distributed systems with minimal response time (low latency)
  • Behavioral analysis systems: searching for behavioral patterns and modeling
  • Development of high-performance in-memory databases and their synchronisation mechanisms in a geo-located system. The new API significantly reduced labour-intensive implementation in the data import support module.

    Technologies used: C++, Lock-free, low latency, multiprocessing, IPC
Вакансия ведущего программиста С++
Вакансия ведущего программиста С++
Если вы хотите оказывать серьезное влияние на развитие продуктов, у вас масса смелых идей и вы умеете объединять вокруг себя единомышленников, это место — однозначно для вас. У нас вы получите любые технические и людские ресурсы, чтобы реализовать то, на что еще никто не осмеливался. Под ваше управление может перейти любой из подпроектов в...
Rashid Umarov:

Graphic objects

If these functions are executed successfully, the command goes into the general chart event queue.

Then what is the sense of the 4001 error code described in the documentation on this function

Returns true if the current font was successfully installed, otherwise false. Possible error codes:

  • ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR(4001) - Operating system error (e.g. attempting to create a non-existent font).

void OnStart()
    string name = "error.err";
    TextSetFont( name, 0, 0, 0 );
        //здесь можно выполнить другие успешные операции с графиком
        //исключая ResetLastError
        //которые визуально отобразятся до окончания Sleep
    Sleep( 10000 );
    ChartRedraw(); //добавлено для чистоты эксперимента
    Print( GetLastError());

Result: 0 i.e. ERR_SUCCESS

Where is 4001?

Документация по MQL5: Графические объекты / TextSetFont
Документация по MQL5: Графические объекты / TextSetFont
Устанавливает шрифт для вывода текста методами рисования и возвращает результат успешности этой операции. По умолчанию используется шрифт Arial и размер -120 (12 pt). [in]  Размер шрифта, который может задаваться положительными и отрицательными значениями. При положительных значениях размер выводимого текста не зависит от настроек размеров...

Error during execution

class A {
        A *f( int i ) { Print( i ); return &this; }
        A *g( int i ) { Print( i ); return &this; }
void OnStart()
        int i = 0;
        A a;
        a.f( ++i ).g( i );

Result: 1 0

Expected: 1 1 (at least that was the result given by C++ - please check)


What is it?

A separate product under a separate brand.
Given the level of popularity at the moment, it is probably some kind of PoC (proof of concept) to market the company's internal product.

Sergey Dzyublik:

A separate product under a separate brand.
Given the level of popularity at the moment, perhaps it is some kind of PoC (proof of concept) to market the company's internal product.

Doesn't look like it's narrowly focused. Doesn't look like it's in the public domain yet.


Rashid Umarov or Renat Fatkhullin, I understand that this is not allowed, but please reply in person.

If possible, help with application to SR#1947403