Errors, bugs, questions - page 2114


Error in the Documentation.

const void& buffer[],

const void& buffer[],

I observed such errors in many function pairs. I recommend developers to check all of them, especially since it is easy to automate such checking


What is this error and what is the problem?

Cannot load 'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\F2262CFAFF47C27887389DAB2852351A\MQL4\Experts\myyd.dll' [998]

although there is a dll in Experts ...

and also gets this error: Cannot call 'myyd.dll::de_init', DLL is not allowed

On a desktop everything works on a VPS not !

Per MSDN System Error Codes.


Invalid access to memory location.

How can it be... not enough RAM to load the dll... I have 7mb


Is there such a thing... not enough RAM to load the dll ... I have 7mb.

Probably the second error 998 is a consequence of the first 193 (if there is one)


I can't understand, an exclamation mark appeared on the file, what is it?

Aleksey Rodionov:

I can't understand, an exclamation mark appeared on the file, what is it?

It means you've made changes to the file and then compiled it.

Added: although no, the file is not connected to the Warehouse. Weird.


Comparing magiks (IDs). Discovered this. Please explain it to me. Did "579" not fit into the tooltip?

Andrey Voytenko:

Comparing magiks (IDs). Discovered this. Please explain if you can

Because Netting. And the share transaction magick has nothing to do with the transaction magick.
Because Netting. And the megic of the share deal has nothing to do with the megic of the deal.

Actually, the account is hedged, and the deal.Magic() on this deal is 1579. The display in the tooltip here is lame. Or am I missing something?

Andrey Voytenko:

Actually, the account is hedged and the deal.Magic() for this trade is 1579. The display in the tooltip here is lame. Or am I missing something?

Then the display.
Then the display.

It seems that if you use the position comment as much as possible (31 characters) then there is no more room to display the ID in the tooltip.