Errors, bugs, questions - page 1709


Recorded the situation on video and cut three consecutive frames (centre frame - missing data) to gif

What is the condition to catch this situation? Need it to get to the bottom of the causes.

I thought it was for sleep, almost napping.
I did it with VirtualDub. Now I'm going to find a program so I can slow it down.
Can't do it. Can you tell me how to do this?
Как замедлить GIF анимацию?
Как замедлить GIF анимацию?
Иногда требуется замедлить смену кадров в GIF анимации и как это сделать мы сейчас и разберем. Для это нам потребуется программа - GIF Movie Gear(скачать надеюсь сможете сами, благо пока "варезники" не закрыли!). 1. Установите самостоятельно GIF Movie Gear. 2. Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши по Анимации и откройте её при помощи GMG. 3. Выделите все...
It doesn't work. Can you tell me how it works?
Do you always like to complicate things so much?создание%20gif%20онлайн&l10n=ru&lr=2&redircnt=1474969742.1
It doesn't work. Can you suggest a working version?
You can post the frames separately...

Thanks, I got it through an online service.

You can post the footage separately...
Please show full code + information about operating system, browser and terminal type and build.
Karputov Vladimir:
Please show full code + information about operating system, browser and terminal type and build.

There's no way to make it complete - the OOP takes it by the leg. But here is the code responsible for drawing

  virtual int Calculate( const int rates_total,
                         const int prev_calculated,
                         const datetime &time[],
                         const double &open[],
                         const double &high[],
                         const double &low[],
                         const double &close[],
                         const long &tick_volume[],
                         const long &volume[],
                         const int &spread[] )
    if (prev_calculated == 0)
      const datetime TimeCur = TimeCurrent();
      this.LastTime = (TimeCur - (TimeCur % (24 * 3600))) * 1000;
      this.Count = 0;

    this.SetEmpty(0, prev_calculated, rates_total - prev_calculated);    
    MqlTick Ticks[];
    const int Amount = this.GetFreshTicks(Ticks);
    if (Amount > 0)        
      int Pos;

      const datetime LastTime2 = Ticks[0].time - (Ticks[0].time % PeriodSeconds());
      for (Pos = rates_total - 1; Pos >= 0; Pos--)
        if (time[Pos] == LastTime2)
      if (Pos >= 0)
        int i = 0;
        while ((Pos < rates_total) && (i < Amount))
          const datetime NextTime = time[Pos] + PeriodSeconds();
          while (i < Amount)
            const MqlTick Tick = Ticks[i];
            if (Tick.time >= NextTime)

            if ((bool)(Tick.flags & TICK_FLAG_BUY))
              this[0][Pos] += (Tick.volume >= this.MinLot) ? Tick.volume : 0;
            else if ((bool)(Tick.flags & TICK_FLAG_SELL))
              this[1][Pos] -= (Tick.volume >= this.MinLot) ? Tick.volume : 0;




2016.09.23 12:42:22.405 Terminal        C:\Program Files\BCS Broker MetaTrader 5 Terminal
2016.09.23 12:42:22.405 Terminal        Windows 7 Ultimate (x64 based PC), IE 09.00, Intel Core i7-2700 K  @ 3.50 GHz, RAM: 8098 / 16301 Mb, HDD: 6387 / 30000 Mb, GMT+02:00
2016.09.23 12:42:22.405 Terminal        BCS Broker MetaTrader 5 Terminal x64 build 1430 started (BCS Broker)

There's no way to make it complete - the OOP takes it by the leg. But here is the code responsible for drawing

I spent the whole day on parsing it, but nothing came out. I maximally simplified the code and created a branch. Please help!
Загадочный биржевой индикатор
Загадочный биржевой индикатор
Ниже приведен сильно упрощенный (ООП полностью отсутствует) индикатор, который показывает проторгованный оборот на основании тиковой биржевой истор...

In the second picture after the short indicator name LastData there is no last calculated data. While it is on the first picture 244 -363 and on the third 247 -409

This suggests that the indicator is not currently calculated. It is being calculated and the data is not ready. Let me remind you that indicators are calculated in a separate thread, not in the main application thread, which is responsible for rendering, among other things. The indicators are calculated for every incoming tick without exception.

While moving a graph with a mouse you have absorbed computing resources to process system messages from the mouse (open Task Manager and see how cpu percent increases, depending on the intensity of mouse movement). And your indicator just hasn't had time to recalculate. That's why the second graph is blank.

Распределенные вычисления в сети MQL5 Cloud Network
Распределенные вычисления в сети MQL5 Cloud Network
Заработать деньги, продавая мощности своего компьютера для сети распределенных вычислений MQL5 Cloud Network