Errors, bugs, questions - page 1706


Oops, I'm slowing down, the second example isn't right at all.

That's why it is logical that

error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'int*&' from an rvalue of type 'int*'

Yes, I already wrote about it above. I modified the second sample but it still does not work. The operator returns a value, i.e. a copy. All three of us must have got so obtuse, eh! ))
Sergei Vladimirov:
All three of us had to be so dumb, eh! ))
So why does the first piece of the fxsaber example work then?
So why does the first piece of fxsaber example work then?

Why shouldn't he? He has an expression this[0] that returns a pointer. Here is the same thing in a different form:

int a;

int* Func(int& i)

int* p = Func(a);   // работает, то же что A* a = this[0]
Func(a) = new int;  // не работает, то же, что и this[0] = new int
Sergei Vladimirov:
this[0] is rvalue here.
Exactly not like this
class A
  int Tmp;
  void operator =( A* )

  void operator =( const int Value )
    this.Tmp = Value;

class B
  A* Data[];
    ArrayResize(this.Data, 1);

  A* operator []( const int Pos )
  void Init()
    // this[0] = new A; // ошибка выполнения: invalid pointer access
    this.Data[0] = new A;
    this[0] = 5; // this[0] - НЕ rvalue

void OnStart()
  B b;

2016.09.25 18:57:42.214 Test (RTS-12.16,M1)     5
The problem is some nonsense.
void A::operator =( A* )
Unfortunately, the vocabulary is scarce to explain it.
The problem is that the pointer (descriptor) from rvalue somehow turns into lvalue after being assigned to a variable. It's a bit crazy...

Точно не так


The problem is a certain pointlessness

Unfortunately, the vocabulary is scarce for explanation.

OK, I don't feel like thinking. Tired already.

The problem is that the pointer (descriptor) from rvalue somehow turns into lvalue after being assigned to a variable. That's a bit crazy...
Yes it's me who is confused. After
    A* a = this[0];
    a = new A; // так работает

The expression

CheckPointer(this[0]) == POINTER_INVALID

will be true. Which makes perfect sense.

The developers should formulate the reason why it is impossible clearly and nicely

this[0] = new A;
Yeah, I messed up.
Yeah, I got confused. I should have checked before I jumped the gun. Anyway, it's all good :)
In short, it's all good :)
I still don't understand the last example. Overloading "=" operator in class A turns this[0] from rvalue into lvalue... I can't figure out how. Is this some kind of MCL feature, there's no such behaviour in the pros.fxsaber, how did you even get to this construct? I mean overload = in A. Or by trial and error?
The pointer is assigned an rvalue, which is then overwritten by new A.