Errors, bugs, questions - page 15


Compared the online version with the file I have. Either I'm completely blind or they are completely the same...

You haven't downloaded it, or you would have seen



Speaking of birds, there's application #17391, just on this subject...

I certainly expected more. We'll have to get as busy as possible catching bugs and dealing with them at a 'low' level...

You haven't downloaded it, or you would have seen it.

I thought that the help is automatically updated in the best traditions. I looked in "native" help, everything is the same, I tried from Alpari (although it seems to be the same help), the result is the same...

Turns out I should have loaded it with cookies, I'm getting old...

Don't take it as a "trespass", but - Can I not fix the online version?


Why can't the terminal see the new version of help?



Why can't the terminal see the new version of the help?

Got it, waiting for the new release...
A common practice (among professionals) is for the terminal to generate an error message, not to crash.

We will fix the crashing error, of course; this is the default assumption.

The advice was simply about configuration files as a method of managing a complex set of input parameters.

Requested SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE) property, returns zero, is this an error or this function is not available yet. Also in the tester when running the PositionGetInteger(POSITION_IDENTIFIER) property request also returns zero all the time
I requested the SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE) property and it returns zero. Also in the tester when running the PositionGetInteger(POSITION_IDENTIFIER) property request also returns zero all the time

We are already dealing with a similar request.

Thanks for the message.


Is there a request like this ?

//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   datetime ctm[1], var;
   if(CopyTime("EURUSD",_Period,  0,1,ctm)==1) Print("EURUSD time[0]=", ctm[0]);
   if(CopyTime("AUDUSD",_Period,  0,1,ctm)==1) Print("AUDUSD time[0]=", ctm[0]);
   // запросим на время var=2010.06.25 23:00:00
   // должна быть ошибка, т.к. этого бара не существует
   // но все срабатывает
   if(CopyTime("AUDUSD",_Period,var,1,ctm)==1) Print("AUDUSD time[0]=", ctm[0]);


2010.06.27 01:25:43 11 (EURUSD,M1) AUDUSD time[0]=2010.06.25 22:59:00
2010.06.27 01:25:43 11 (EURUSD,M1) AUDUSD time[0]=2010.06.25 22:59:00
2010.06.27 01:25:43 11 (EURUSD,M1) EURUSD time[0]=2010.06.25 23:00:00

there is no bar AUDUSD 23:00, it does not exist.
here is a picture

Is it supposed to be like this ? What will this function output if it hits a hole in the history ?


Strange inactivity within the cycle... :(

Description of the problem

Print (and not only it) does not work in a simple script (or in indicators) inside the loop

Sequence of actions

//|                                                        Xoxma.mq5 |
void OnStart()
   int i,j=0,k=0;
   Print("#6 ",i," ",j," !");
      Print(j);Print("+ ",k);
   Print("#7 ",i," ",j," K= ",k," !");


Maybe this is more correct?

  Print("+ ",k);

Is there a request like this ?


2010.06.27 01:25:43 11 (EURUSD,M1) AUDUSD time[0]=2010.06.25 22:59:00
2010.06.27 01:25:43 11 (EURUSD,M1) AUDUSD time[0]=2010.06.25 22:59:00
2010.06.27 01:25:43 11 (EURUSD,M1) EURUSD time[0]=2010.06.25 23:00:00

there is no bar AUDUSD 23:00, it does not exist.
here is a picture

Is it supposed to be like this ? What will this function give out if it hits a hole in the history ?

Look at the code

   if(CopyTime("AUDUSD",_Period,var,1,ctm)==1) Print("AUDUSD time[0]=", ctm[0]);

There is a request for one bar whose open time is on the left of var=2010.06.25 23:00:00

var=2010.06.25 23:00:00

in the depth of history. We recently updated the help for Copy...() functions, for example for CopyTime():


If the interval of the requested data is completely outside the available data on the server, the function returns -1. If the requested data is outside the TERMINAL_MAXBARS(maximum number of bars on the chart), this function will also return -1.

When requesting data from the indicator, if the requested timeseries haven't been built yet, or they need to be downloaded from the server, the function will return -1 right away, but the downloading/build process itself will be initiated.

When requesting data from the Expert Advisor or a script, the loading from the server will be initiated, if the terminal does not have these data locally, or the building of the required timeseries will begin, if the data can be built from the local history, but they are not ready yet. The function will return the amount of data that will be ready by the timeout time, but the loading of history will continue, and the next similar request will return more data.

When requesting data in the specified date range, only data falling within the requested interval will be returned, and the interval is specified and taken into account to the nearest second. This means that the opening time of any bar for which a value is returned (volume, spread, value in the indicator buffer, price Open, High, Low, Close or open time Time) is always within the requested interval.

Thus,if the current day of the week is Saturday, then when trying to copy the data on the weekly timeframe, specifying start_time=Last Tuesday and stop_time=Last Friday, the function will return 0, since the opening time of the weekly timeframe always falls on Sunday, but no weekly bar falls into the specified range.

If you want to get the value corresponding to the current unfinished bar, you can use the first form of call with start_pos=0 and count=1.