Errors, bugs, questions - page 11

That's weird. I can't imagine what the EA has to be coded to make the whole terminal crash...
I don't know either, it only flies out in the tester
I don't know either, it only crashes in the tester

Can I see the initialisation block? Can I get a message to....

what is the initialisation block?

I get this error sometimes

Time : 2010.06.17 22:07 (0:00:33)
Program : Client Terminal
Version : 500.281 (09 Jun 2010)
Revision : 21824
OS : Windows 7 Professional (Build 7600)
Processors : 2 x X86 (level 6)
Memory : 3074024/1398224 kb
Virtual : 2097024/1888684 kb
CrashMD5 : 2D914F10F79D02555CC336DB1FAA1A0E
Exception : C0000005 at 77583E1B read to 00000000

Modules : 00400000 008AD000 terminal.exe (

77582FE4:00E37 [77583E1B] RtlIpv6StringToAddressExA (ntdll.dll)
77582FE4:00AC6 [77583AAA] RtlIpv6StringToAddressExA (ntdll.dll)
77582FE4:00B6A [77583B4E] RtlIpv6StringToAddressExA (ntdll.dll)
0067D96E:00079 [0067D9E7] #14533 (terminal.exe)
00639198:00023 [006391BB] #11377 (terminal.exe)
004329E0:00048 [00432A28] #1047 (terminal.exe)
0044F5D0:00089 [0044F659] #1494 (terminal.exe)
00420FD0:0009D [0042106D] #738 (terminal.exe)
006245A0:00010 [006245B0] #11154 (terminal.exe)
00619B80:00097 [00619C17] #10872 (terminal.exe)
006197D0:0004C [0061981C] #10868 (terminal.exe)
006197A0:00010 [006197B0] #10867 (terminal.exe)
0067B88E:00058 [0067B8E6] #14478 (terminal.exe)
0067B88E:00100 [0067B98E] #14478 (terminal.exe)
75253665:00012 [75253677] BeginUpdateResourceW(kernel32.dll)
77589D0F:00063 [77589D72] RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight (ntdll.dll)

Registers : EAX=031C8758 CS=0023 EIP=77583E1B EFLGS=00010246
: EBX=02D80000 SS=002b ESP=09A5FC00 EBP=09A5FC24
: ECX=00000000 DS=002b ESI=04E8C738 FS=0053
: EDX=00100000 ES=002b EDI=02D80174 GS=002b


what is the initialisation block?

That's what I call OnInit(). Judging by the errors, I think you should contact the developers...

To the developers.

Pay attention to my request #16864. Funny thing came out when running EA for the first time on the 286 release...



Pay attention to my request #16864. Funny thing came out when running EA for the first time on the 286 release...

and I have something that doesn't want to upgrade to 286

by the way I emailed you in person

and I have something that doesn't want to upgrade to 286

It took me a while to update, I first updated the help, then rebooted a couple more times and waited until it asked to update to 286...

After rebooting, the Expert Advisor comes on and what I see (nothing to see) - Where are the graphics, no graphics. Turns out they messed with OBJ_ALL_PERIODS in the new release... :)

Oh shit, I decided to reinstall the terminal, now it won't start at all

I don't want to upgrade to 286

By the way, I emailed you in person.


What's the initialization block?

sometimes an error like this pops up

Time : 2010.06.17 22:07 (0:00:33)
Program : Client Terminal
Version : 500.281 (09 Jun 2010)
Revision : 21824
OS : Windows 7 Professional (Build 7600)
Processors : 2 x X86 (level 6)
Memory : 3074024/1398224 kb
Virtual : 2097024/1888684 kb
CrashMD5 : 2D914F10F79D02555CC336DB1FAA1A0E
Exception : C0000005 at 77583E1B read to 00000000

See my reply in private, might help...